I live in rural Virginia Beach near the NC state line, an area rich in history. Our family's Virginia Century Farm has been passed down for 6 generations, and my youngest child was actually born here on the farm! When you see "VINE" on a Virginia map that's us! My great-great-grandparents ran the Vine Post Office (photo above) inside their general store. The original site is steps away from my home.
In addition to the farm a lot of cherished items were also passed down, including a huge wooden trunk made by my great-great-great-uncle as an over-sized tool box for his job as a coffin builder. A timely visit to my grandmother's house in the 1980s saved a straw fan she threw in the trash as "old and no good." She said it was her great-grandmother's church fan! I also have several handmade quilts from that great-grandmother.
In addition to the farm a lot of cherished items were also passed down, including a huge wooden trunk made by my great-great-great-uncle as an over-sized tool box for his job as a coffin builder. A timely visit to my grandmother's house in the 1980s saved a straw fan she threw in the trash as "old and no good." She said it was her great-grandmother's church fan! I also have several handmade quilts from that great-grandmother.
When possible I go with a family's oral history rather than internet hearsay. When a family Bible is involved, that's probably a reliable source you won't find online. I rarely use World Family Trees and take the FamilySearch site information with a grain of salt because both are subject to misinformation. I prefer official documents like census, deeds, wills, newspapers, and more. I've actually found some of my own mistakes passed along as gospel! My shared files were updated March 2024.
When I started online research I took each family line as far as I could. That included lines of in-laws and spouses who were no relation. Since 2018 I've been purging those unrelated lines.
Many folks have contacted me about having their private info listed, but I hate to tell you -- 99% of the information on GenThreads is readily available online. Removing it from GenThreads will not keep it from the world. That said, I DO NOT share addresses and phone numbers like some sites do!
When I started online research I took each family line as far as I could. That included lines of in-laws and spouses who were no relation. Since 2018 I've been purging those unrelated lines.
Many folks have contacted me about having their private info listed, but I hate to tell you -- 99% of the information on GenThreads is readily available online. Removing it from GenThreads will not keep it from the world. That said, I DO NOT share addresses and phone numbers like some sites do!
Send an email or catch me on Facebook. I usually get right back to you. I've enjoyed finding new cousins over the years and have even met a few in person. Please stop by whenever you're near. I love to sit and chat awhile! If you find an error in my files please let me know!!