Bibliography of Sources
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Bible of Lemuel S. Cartwright.
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Bible of Major Bell.
Bible of Mary Frances Brown.
Bible of Morgan Cartwright.
Bible of Nancy Lee.
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Bible of Robert P. Cartwright.
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Bible Record belonging to Mrs. J. B. Kittrell, Greenville, NC.
Bible Records - Tombstone Inscriptions.
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Bible Records: Cowell.
Bible Records: Ferebee.
Bible Records: Ownley.
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Bill Simpson, Virginia Baptist Historical Society.
Birth Certificate of Lettie Elizabeth Doxey.
Birth Certificate of Unnamed Female Cartwright.
Birth Certificate of Unnamed Male Cartwright.
Birth Record of Nettie B. Wright.
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Carl M. Dozier.
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Census 1782, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1790, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1790, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1790, Edgecombe Co., NC.
Census 1790, Head of Families, 1st Census of the US.
Census 1790, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1800, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1800, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1810, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1810, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1820, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1820, NC Census Index.
Census 1820, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1820, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1830, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1830, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1830, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1830, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1830, Virginia.
Census 1830, Wilson Co., TN.
Census 1840, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1840, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1840, Haywood Co., TN.
Census 1840, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1840, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1840, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1850, Butler Co., OH.
Census 1850, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1850, Craven Co., NC.
Census 1850, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1850, Davidson Co., TN.
Census 1850, Fairfield Co., CT.
Census 1850, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1850, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1850, Perquimans Co., NC.
Census 1850, Prince George Co., VA.
Census 1850, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1850, Tippacanoe Co., IN.
Census 1850, Union Co., NC.
Census 1850, Washington Co., IN.
Census 1860, Bertie Co., NC.
Census 1860, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1860, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1860, Gates Co., NC.
Census 1860, Hartford Co., CT.
Census 1860, Nansemond Co., VA.
Census 1860, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1860, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1860, Portsmouth, VA.
Census 1860, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1860, Singleton Co., IL.
Census 1860, Union Co., NC.
Census 1870, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1870, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1870, Gates Co., NC.
Census 1870, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1870, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1870, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1870, Surry Co., NC.
Census 1870, Washington Co., NC.
Census 1880, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1880, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1880, Jackson Co., IN.
Census 1880, Nansemond Co., VA.
Census 1880, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1880, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1880, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1885, Minnesota Territorial & State Census, Goodhue Co., MN.
Census 1895, Minnesota Territorial & State Census, Goodhue Co., MN.
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Census 1900, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1900, Camden Co., VA.
Census 1900, Cass Co., IN.
Census 1900, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1900, Currituck Co., NC 232323232323.
Census 1900, Goodline Co., MN.
Census 1900, Hertford Co., NC.
Census 1900, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1900, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1900, Perquimans Co., NC.
Census 1900, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1900, Wabasha Co., MN.
Census 1900, Washington Co., NC.
Census 1910, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1910, Chowan Co., NC.
Census 1910, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1910, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1910, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1910, Perquimans Co., NC.
Census 1910, Portsmouth, VA.
Census 1910, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1910, Warwick Co., VA.
Census 1910, Washington Co., NC.
Census 1920, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1920, Camden Co., VA.
Census 1920, Columbus Co., NC.
Census 1920, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1920, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1920, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1920, Perquimans Co., NC.
Census 1920, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1920, Washington Co., NC.
Census 1930, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1930, Columbus Co., NC.
Census 1930, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1930, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1930, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1930, Princess Anne Co., VA.
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Census 1930, Washington Co., NC.
Census 1940, Norfolk Co., VA.
Cesus 1920, Norfolk Co., VA.
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Compiled by Carrie L. Broughton, Marriage and Death Notices in Raleigh Register and North Carolina State Gazette 1826-1845, (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1968).
Connie Cartwright Kwasha, Cartwrights of the Southern United States, (Heritage Books, Bowie, MD1996).
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Death Certificate of Adelia Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Alice James Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Alphonso Lee.
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Death Certificate of Andrew G. Dozier.
Death Certificate of Augustus Caesar Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Baby Girl Doxey.
Death Certificate of Bailey H. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Bailey Harrell Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Bascom S. Sawyer.
Death Certificate of Benjamin F. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Benjamin Franklin Cartwright Jr..
Death Certificate of Benoni Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Bright Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Caleb James Caton.
Death Certificate of Charlie C. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Chester Linwood Fulcher.
Death Certificate of Christian Ferebee Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Clinonia Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Clinton C. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Columbus Doxey.
Death Certificate of Cora Aydlett Jennings.
Death Certificate of Cordelia Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Cornelia P. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Cornelia Pritchard Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Daniel Webster Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Davis Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Dockey Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Dorothy Doxey Hopkins.
Death Certificate of Dr. Robert N. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Edgar Daniel Bright.
Death Certificate of Edward Pendleton Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Ella Elizabeth Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Ella Zena Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Enoch Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Ephraim Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Ernest Lee Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Ethel Doxey Miller.
Death Certificate of Ethel Miller.
Death Certificate of Eva Doxey Davenport.
Death Certificate of Eva Earnesteen Davenport.
Death Certificate of Gaius T. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of George Ambrose Doxey.
Death Certificate of George Walter Cartwright Sr..
Death Certificate of George Washington Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Glenda Lee Miller.
Death Certificate of Haywood D. Doxey.
Death Certificate of Haywood D. Doxey Jr..
Death Certificate of Henry Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Henry Martin Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Herbert Linwood Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Hettie Doxey Hampton Gray.
Death Certificate of Infant of Eva Doxey.
Death Certificate of Isaac Doxey.
Death Certificate of Isaac Gray Doxey.
Death Certificate of Isadora Cartwright.
Death Certificate of J.B. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of J.B. Lee.
Death Certificate of James B. Doxey.
Death Certificate of James Cartwright.
Death Certificate of James Edward Cartwright.
Death Certificate of James Ray Doxey.
Death Certificate of James Woodhouse Forbes.
Death Certificate of Jeanette Jimmy Gray.
Death Certificate of Jehu Milton Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Jerome Doxey Jr..
Death Certificate of Jerome Doxey Sr..
Death Certificate of Jesse Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Joel Herbert Cartwright.
Death Certificate of John Arnold Frost Jr..
Death Certificate of John J. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of John Lindsey Doxey, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of John Lloyd Doxey.
Death Certificate of John Milton Caton.
Death Certificate of John S. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of John W. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Joseph Hughes.
Death Certificate of Josiah Palin Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Julia Booth Doxey.
Death Certificate of Lectious C. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Lemuel Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Leon Doxey.
Death Certificate of Lett Doxey.
Death Certificate of Leven W, Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Lillian Berry Sawyer.
Death Certificate of Lillie Cartwright Seymore.
Death Certificate of Lois Cartwright Ontro.
Death Certificate of Louetta Doxey Cox.
Death Certificate of Louis Alexander Doxey.
Death Certificate of Margaret Long Scaff.
Death Certificate of Margaret Lowery Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Margarite Alline Doxey.
Death Certificate of Martha Spence Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Martin Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Martin Jackson Morris.
Death Certificate of Martin Lenyard Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Martin Lin Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Mary Doxey Lee.
Death Certificate of Mary E. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Mary E. Creekmore.
Death Certificate of Mary Elizabeth Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Mary Ellen Forehand Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Mary Fulford Aydlett.
Death Certificate of Mary Louise Miller Rall.
Death Certificate of Mattie Cox Wilkins.
Death Certificate of Mattie Simmons Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Maude Irene Doxey.
Death Certificate of Mildred Doxey Bowers.
Death Certificate of Minnie Cartwright Burgess.
Death Certificate of Minnie Doxey Ferebee.
Death Certificate of Mr. Earl Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Nathan D. Sorey.
Death Certificate of Nora Dozier Burgess.
Death Certificate of Odelia Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Parthenia Wright.
Death Certificate of Pattie Stanton Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Peter Dozier, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of Rosa May Litchfield, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of Roy Bradley.
Death Certificate of Saint Clair Doxey.
Death Certificate of Samuel Mathew Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Sarah Cartwright Riddick.
Death Certificate of Sarah F. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Sarah Penelope Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Soloman W. Stewart, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of Steven F. Squires.
Death Certificate of Susan Cartwright Cooper.
Death Certificate of Thomas Edward Creekmore.
Death Certificate of Thomas Wood Harrell.
Death Certificate of Unnamed Male Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Walter Simon Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Wiley Jackson Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Willey Cartwright.
Death Certificate of William Cartwright.
Death Certificate of William Clyde Doxey.
Death Certificate of William H. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of William Henry Doxey.
Death Certificate of William M. Stewart, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of William Olin Doxey.
Death Certificate of William Selby Cartwright.
Death Certificate of William T. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of William Thomas Aydlett, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of William Thomas Cartwright.
Death Certificate of William Trotman Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Willis Alexander Doxey.
Death Certificate of Willis H. Doxey, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of Ziedrick Cartwright.
Death Index 1853, Norfolk Co., VA.
Death Record Index for Washington County, NC, "Electronic."
Death Records Indexing Project, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Debbie Loefgren.
Debi Doxey Welker, "Electronic."
Declaration for Widow's Pension, dated Mar. 1, 1892, Lavinia Brennamen.
Deed Book 16, Currituck Co., NC.
Deed Book 20.
Deed Book 7, Currituck Co., NC.
Deed of Bargain & Sale of Lydia Sawyer to Haywood S. Bell, dated Feb.4, 1843, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Caleb Sears to James Cowell, dated Dec. 15, 1810, Deed Book 12, pg. 248, Currituck Co., NC.
Deed of Curby Cartwright, dated 1803, Deed Book K, pg. 82, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Division of James Sanderlin, dated 1794, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Division of Margaret Cartwright, dated Jan. 18, 1827, pg 43-44. Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Division, dated 1826, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Edon Fulford, Deed Book 32, pg. 200, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Deed of Elizabeth Cartwright, dated 1783, Deed Book C, pg. 183, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Evan Sawyer and wife Sarah to Joseph Sanderlin, dated Nov. 8, 1804, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Fanny Wood, dated 1853, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Gift, dated April 1, 1696, Deed Book 1, pg. 116, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Deed of Indenture, dated June 20, 1784, Deed Book 9, pg. 151, Norfolk Co., VA.
Deed of Isaac Cartwright Jr. dated 1803, Deed Book K, pg. 184, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Isaac Cartwright Jr. dated 1828, Deed Book T, pg. 143, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Isaac Cartwright Sr. dated 1826, Deed Book T, pg. 13, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Isaac Litten, dated 1803, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Jabez Sawyer, dated 1821, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Jean Cartwright, dated 1798, Deed Book H, pg. 107, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Jesse Dozier to Tulley Dozier, dated June 22, 1827, Deed Book 18, pg. 24, Currituck Co., NC.
Deed of Josiah Grandy to Sarah Cartwright, dated 1834, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Mark Cartwright & wife to Gideon Lamb, Deed Book M, 1810-1815, pg. 415, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Mark Cartwright & wife to Isaac Murden, Deed Book, M, 1810-1815, pg. 405, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Mary Sawyer to her 6 children, dated 1819, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Robert Cartwright and wife Pemmy to Capt. James Kempe, dated Aug. 7, 1766, Deed Book 9, pg.599, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Deed of Robert Cartwright to William Cartwright, dated April 8, 1768, Deed Book 10, pg.247, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Deed of Thomas C. Ferebee, dated 1819, Deed Book Q, pg. 122, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of William Ferebee to Samuel Ferebee, dated September 1, 1788, Deed Book 6, pg. 44, Currituck Co., NC.
Deed of William Gaston and wife Mary to John Turner, dated Sept. 14, 1747, Deed Book 6, pg. 687, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Deed of William Keeling Jr. to Lemuel Cartwright, dated Mar.17, 1752, Deed Book 7, pg. 307, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Deed of Willis Cartwright, dated 1819, Camden Co., NC.
Deposition of Lavinia Brennamen, dated Feb. 28, 1902, Portsmouth, VA.
Descendants of Absalom Sawyer Dozier, "Electronic."
Descendants of Caleb Sanderlin, "Electronic."
Descendants of Charles Gardner Trafton, "Electronic."
Dick Oril, "Electronic."
Donna Beeler, The Trueblood Family in America 1682-1963, "Electronic."
Donna Marie Smith Rose, "Descendants of Flossie M. Dozier."
Donna O'Malley, "Electronic."
Doreen Lucille Taylor Hendry, "Electronic."
Doris Stewart Dozier, "Electronic."
Doris Wood Smith.
Doxey Family Album, "Electronic."
Draft Registration Card of Alton Pritchard Mansfield.
Early Tax List, 1769, Pasquotank Co., NC, "Electronic."
Edgecombe County, North Carolina Vital Records, 1720-1880, "Electronic."
Edna Sorey Russo, "Descendants of James D'Auge."
Edna Sorey Russo, "Descendants of Francis Sorey."
"Edna Sorey Russo."
Edna Sorey Russo, "Descendants of Josiah Stallings."
"Edna Sorey Russo Paper."
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Elaine Hendricks, Genealogy of Elaine Hendricks Alabama Connections and so much more, "Electronic."
Eleanor Wray Cartwright, "Electronic."
Elizabeth B. Wingo, Marriages of Princess Anne County, Virginia 1749-1821.
Elizabeth B. Wingo, Marriages of Norfolk County, Virginia 1805, 1818-1840, Volume III.
Elizabeth B. Wingo, Marriages of Princess Anne County, Virginia 1799-1821, Vol. II.
Elizabeth B. Wingo, Collection of Unrecorded Wills, Norfolk County, VA 1711-1800.
Elizabeth Harris Sgarlata, Harris/Perry/Spires/Minix, "Electronic."
Elizabeth Lee Waldron Roach Miller, "Electronic."
Elizabeth McPherson Jones, Kinfolk of Camden County Deed Books, Vol. 1, (1995 Elizabeth McPherson Jones).
Elizabeth Petty Bentley, Index to the 1800 Census of North Carolina, (Reprinted for Clearfield Company Inc. by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, 1995).
Elizabeth York, "Electronic."
Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, VA.
Elwood Vernon Cartwright Jr., "Electronic."
Email, "Electronic."
Emily Elizabeth Murden Capps.
"Engagement Announcement of Nathan James Frost," Virginian- Pilot, March, 2006.
Estate Record of Zachariah M. Doxey & Mary Doxey, "Electronic."
Eunice Marie Cutrell Doxey Boyd.
"Family Research Society."
Family Research Society of Northeaster North Carolina, "The Generations of the American Cartwrights," Pappendick P-025.
Family Tree Maker, Marriage Index: Maryland, North Carolina & Virginia 1624-1915, (CD #4), "CD-ROM."
Family Tree Maker, "Electronic."
FamilySearch, "Electronic." collection.
Frances Griffin.
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From the marriage and obituary citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia., Norfolk and Portsmouth Herald, "Electronic."
From the marriage and obituary citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia., American Commercial Beacon and Norfolk & Portsmouth Daily Advertiser, "Electronic."
Funeral card for Dorothy Benson Sorey.
Funeral card of Hilery Thomas Whitehurst Sr..
Funeral Card of Louise Margie Hayes.
Funeral Card of Ralph Lee Frost.
Funeral Card of Sarah Eula Shipp.
Gates County, NC Civil War Soldiers, "Electronic."
General Affidavit of Lavinia Brennaman, dated June 16, 1892.
General Affidavit of Parmelia F. Boush, dated June 1, 1892.
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Georgia Clasing, "Electronic."
[email protected], "Electronic."
Ginny Fleishman, "Electronic."
Gordon C. Jones, Abstracts of Land-grants, Tax Lists, Orphans Dockets, Inventories and Other Records, (1982).
Gordon C. Jones, Abstracts of Wills and Other Records, Currituck and Dare Counties, NC 1663-1850.
Gordon Jones, Currituck Wills.
Gordon Jones, Wills of Currituck Co., NC.
Gordon Jones, Albemarle Lindsey's and Their Descendants, pg. 85-86.
Great Plain Cemetery, Danbury, CT, "Electronic."
Hack Cartwright, "Electronic."
Hank Burnham, "Electronic."
Heather Danielle Brown, (email), "Electronic."
"Helen Baird Stephenson Mills."
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Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. II, Contents - January, 1901.
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Ida H. Wood, reporter, "Ben Burnham at 90," Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch.
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J. Howard Stevens, Albemarle People and Places, (Family Research Society of Northeastern North Carolina).
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James Cartwright, "Electronic."
James Curtis (Curt), "Electronic."
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Jan Brinkley, "Electronic."
Janice Doxie Richardson.
Jean Cotton, Hobdy family site, "Electronic."
Jean Johnson, Jean's Homepage, "Electronic."
Jean Silvester Spencer, Monograph of the 1860 Currituck County Census, (Spencer & Spencer, Ltd. Moyock, NC, 1986).
Jean Silvester Spencer.
Jen Sawyer, "Electronic."
Jenny Buterbaugh, "Electronic."
Jeryl David Frost Jr..
Jill Jones, "Electronic."
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Joe Butch Sawyer.
John A. Halstead, The Virginia Halsteads, "Electronic."
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John H. Johnston, (email), "Electronic."
John Lucas of Eastern North Carolina Descendants and Related Families, "Electronic."
Joseph William Doxey, "Electronic."
Joshua Beasley.
Josiah Lewis Dozier Jr., "Electronic."
Joyce Waldie, "Electronic."
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Karilyn Wilson Petree.
Kathy Curl, "Electronic."
Katie Pritchard, "Electronic."
KD Cutler, "Electronic."
Kristin Johnson, New Light on the Donner Party, "Electronic."
Larry Pritchard.
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Leisha Stride.
Leslie Dannelly, "Electronic."
Leslie Wilbur Sawyer III, "Electronic."
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Letter of William Temple, "Electronic."
Lettie Doxey Dozier.
Library of Virginia, "Electronic."
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Lillian Sawyer Umphlett.
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Lisa Rivera, "Electronic."
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Loreena Faye Luther Brown, "Electronic."
Lou A. Murphy.
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Louise Doxey Hayes.
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Lynne Fowlkes Dozier.
Madelyn Larkin, "Electronic."
Maida Baxter Randall, "Electronic."
Marian Martin.
Marianne Bunting.
Marion Christine Sawyer Caulder.
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Marriage Certificate - Benjamin F. Cartwright & Mollie A. Wilkins.
Marriage Certificate - Charles Arcutt & Alma Cartwright.
Marriage Certificate - Charles Gerlach Cartwright & Lillian Hammond Mower.
Marriage Certificate - Clinton Caswell Campbell & Catherine Georgia Cartwright.
Marriage Certificate - Fred Ryder & Catherine Cartwright.
Marriage Certificate - Gaius Thomas Cartwright & Eunice Josephine Cartwright.
Marriage Certificate - Herman Thomas Cartwright Jr. & Rae Eleanor Robinson.
Marriage Certificate - Hillery Cartwright & Cornelia Parker.
Marriage Certificate - James Edward Cartwright & Nettie Arabella Wright.
Marriage Certificate - Marvin Lee Dozier & Lettie Elizabeth Doxie.
Marriage Certificate - Robert & Sarah McPherson.
Marriage Certificate - Russell Claud Cartwright & Susan Elizabeth Little.
Marriage Certificate - Walter L. Brown & Elnora McClanen.
Marriage Certificate - William Only & Mrs. Fanny F. Davis.
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Mary Love Fulford Dozier.
Maryanne Edge, "Electronic."
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Meredith A. Doxey, "Electronic."
Michael Phelps, Michael Phelps, "Electronic."
Mindee, "Electronic."
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"Obituary of Alice Beasley Jones."
"Obituary of Audry D. Talbott."
Obituary of Azel Mansfield Carpenter, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Bernard T. Cartwright."
Obituary of Bessie L. Davenport, "Electronic."
Obituary of Carl Columbus "C.C." Doxey, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Catherine Cartwright."
"Obituary of Celia Cartwright Beamer."
Obituary of Chloe Doxey Payne, "Electronic."
Obituary of Clinton Clyde Cartwright.
"Obituary of Edna A. Russo."
Obituary of Eleanor Lee Doxey, "Electronic."
Obituary of Ernest Columbus Doxey.
Obituary of Ernest Fleetwood Cartwright, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Ethel Doxey Miller."
"Obituary of Gaius T. Cartwright," Virginian-Pilot, May 10, 1961.
"Obituary of Garland E. Waterfield."
Obituary of Harry Lee Brown.
"Obituary of Henry Rosker Sawyer."
Obituary of Hilery Thomas Whitehurst Jr..
"Obituary of James E. Cartwright."
Obituary of James M. Sorey, (Virginian- Pilot, March, 2008), "Electronic."
Obituary of Janice E. Smith-Brinkley, "Electronic."
Obituary of Jean Elizabeth Doxey, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Jerome Doxey Jr.."
"Obituary of Laura E. Sawyer."
Obituary of Linwood Fulcher, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Louie Hughes Doxey."
"Obituary of Lucy Dozier Miller."
"Obituary of Luther L. Whitehurst."
Obituary of Martha Berry Midgett, "Electronic."
Obituary of Mary Ann Frost.
Obituary of Mary Anne Frost, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Mary Elizabeth Cartwright."
"Obituary of Mary Jane Gallop Doxey."
"Obituary of Mary R. Dozier."
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"Obituary of Milton Mansfield."
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"Obituary of Mrs. Florence Munden."
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"Obituary of Mrs. Lizzie Morris."
"Obituary of Nancy Burnham Cartwright."
"Obituary of Norman O. Dozier," Virginian-Pilot, January 2003.
"Obituary of Obie Thomas Cartwright."
"Obituary of Ollis E. Mansfield."
"Obituary of Olympia S. Dozier."
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"Obituary of Peter A. Tatem."
"Obituary of Raymond Linwood Fulford."
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"Obituary of Roy Edward Hayes."
Obituary of Ruth Simpson Sorey, "Electronic."
Obituary of Selma F. Tolle.
Obituary of Seth Leroy Creekmore.
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"Obituary of Tully W. Dozier."
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Obituary of Walter Edward Brown Jr., "Electronic."
"Obituary of William Arthur Doxey."
Obituary of William Haywood Doxey, "Electronic."
Obituary of William Hillary Creekmore.
Obituary of Zora Waterfield Doxey.
Pat Norris, "Electronic."
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Pension Claim for Charles P. Brennaman by Lavinia Brennaman.
Pension Claim for Isaac W. Patchen by Lavinia Brennamen.
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Pensioner Dropped Record for Lavinia Brennaman.
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Riverside Cemetery.
Robert Tudor, "Electronic."
Robin D. Davenport.
Rockport Pilot Newspaper, "Obituary of James C. Cruser," Rockport, TX.
Roger G. Ward, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners Princess Anne County, (New Papyrus Co., Inc., Athens GA.).
Roger W. Howland, Descendants of William Hinton, (Oakland, CA).
Ronald (Ron) Leigh Doxey, The Doxey Files, "Electronic."
Ronald Lee Smith, "Electronic."
Sally Moore Koestler, Sally's Family Place, (College Station, TX), "Electronic."
Sanderlin Family Album, "Electronic."
Shannon Coulter, Gammon, Garrett, Sorey, Powers, Stewart, "Electronic."
Sharon Fox, Arcell Campbell Sawyer, Malachi Sawyer, S. Mills, NC, "Electronic."
Sherman Watkins, Watkins/Taggart Ancestry, "Electronic."
Shirley Hanes Warren, "Electronic."
Social Security Death Index, "Electronic."
Stephen Leonard Jones, "Electronic."
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Suzy Lamb, "Electronic."
Sylvia Hughes Cutrell Cliver.
Tennessee Marriages to 1825, "Electronic."
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The Laban and Bessie Shirley Family Genealogy Cookbook.
"The Pungonian," Creeds High School newspaper, April 1925.
Thomas Cadar Dozier, Jr., "Electronic."
"Tidewater Boys Now Facing the Enemy Overseas," Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch, July 30, 1918.
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Tombstone of Eliza J. Cartwright, "Electronic."
Tombstone of George W. & Alice A. Dozier, "Electronic."
Tombstone of H. W. Beasley.
Tombstone of Josephine Saunders, wife of William Doxey, "Electronic."
Tombstone of Lloyd Doxey, "Electronic."
Tombstone of Roger Walter Doxey.
Tombstone of W. McCoy Spruill.
Tombstone of William Doxey, "Electronic."
Tombstone of William Edward Doxey Sr..
Tonya, "Electronic."
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U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885.
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v23t3112.ftw, "Electronic."
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Verna Hensen, "Electronic."
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Walter Doughtie.
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Weynette Parks Haun, Old Albemarle County North Carolina, Pasquotank Precinct--County Births, Marriages, Deaths, Brands and Flesh Marks & County Claims 1691-1833, (243 Argonne Drive, Durham NC 1981).
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Will Book 1, pg. 166, Currituck Co., NC, Deed of gift dated Oct. 4, 1763.
Will dated 1801.
Will dated Aug. 9, 1781, probated Nov. 30, 1782, Will Book 1, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated Feb. 1822, probated July 7, 1825, Will Book 3, pg. 186, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated Jan. 16, 1922, probated Mar. 1, 1922, Will Book 6, pg 440, Princess Anne Co, VA.
Will dated Jan. 19, 1885, probated April 20, 1885, Will Book 5, pg. 147, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated July 18, 1778, probated Sept. 24, 1788, Deed Book 1, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated July 7, 1835, probated Nov. 1835, Will Book 4, pg. 12, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated June 26, 1839, probated April 4, 1840, Will Book 1 pg.64, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated Mar. 28, 1922, Will Book 8, pg. 327, Princess Anne Co, VA.
Will dated Nov. 30, 1771, probated Nov. 9, 1778, Will Book 1, Currituck NC.
Will dated Nov. 30, 1776, probated April 1782, Nash Co., NC, pg. 123.
Will dated Oct. 19, 1805, probated Jan. 6, 1806.
Will dated Sept. 15, 1815, probated Feb. 1816, Will Book 3, pg. 169, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will dated Sept. 30, 1746, probated April 7, 1747, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated Sept. 30, 1806, probated Jan. 27, 1807, Will Book 1, pg. 209, Marion, SC.
Will of Aaron Flora, dated Mar. 13, 1811. c1815, Will Book 3.
Will of Abiah Dough dated Dec. 14, 1845, probated Feb. 1846, Will Book 4, pg. 77, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Abraham Cartwright, dated April 31, 1763, Proved Oct. 21, 1763, Will Book HIK, pg. 254-255, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Aby Doxey, dated Dec. 1834, proved Feb. 1835, Will Book 4, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Adam Lovett, dated Feb. 22, 1759, probated April 167, 1759, Will Book 8, pg. 354, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Agnes Trueblood, dated Sept. 15, 1692, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Ahaz Cartwright, dated June 18, 1796, proved Nov. 12, 1796, Will Book L, pg. 76-78, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Amos Trueblood, probated July 14, 1759, Will Book HIK, pg. 176, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Andrew Sorey, dated Mar. 24, 1777, proved April. 10, 1783, Deed Book 18, pg. 172, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Ann Darnell, dated June 17, 1720, proved July 20, 1720/21, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Ann Shipp Cartwright, dated Oct. 23, 1730, probated Dec. 3, 1730, Deed Book 4, pg. 311, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Arthur Pritchard, dated Nov. 2, 1850, Will Book N, pg. 237, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Asa Cartwright, dated Sept. 5, 1823, proved, Nov. 1823, Will Book C, pg. 23, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Ashbury Sutton, dated Oct. 3, 1822, Will Book M, pg 357, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Augustine Wright, dated May 27, 1741/42, proved April 1742, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Benjamin Bell, dated Aug. 20, 1764, Will Book HIK, pg. 37, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Benjamin Cartwright, verbal statement given Mar. 4, 1801, recorded May 26, 1801, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Benjamin Dauge, dated Oct. 11, 1787, probated July 15, 1788, Will Book 1, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Benjamin Palmer.
Will of Brickhouse Bell, dated 1822, proved 1822, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Caleb Cartwright, dated Aug. 3, 1796, proved 1797, Will Book L, pg. 103-106, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Catherine Gaskens, dated Aug. 25, 1755, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Charles Bradley, dated Dec. 6, 1809, proved May 28, 1810, Currituck Co., NC, WB 2, pg. 357, "Electronic."
Will of Charles Brite, dated 1847, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Charles Halstead, probated Sept. 20, 1841; Will Book 6, pg. 128, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Charles Sawyer, dated Oct. 21, 1751, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Charles W. Blount, dated Feb. 21, 1850, Will Book N, pg. 240, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Charles Wright, dated Jan. 17, 1772, Will Book M, pg. 379, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Chloe Cartwright, dated Mar. 16, 1852, proved Sept. 1857, Will Book D, pg.37, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Christopher Cartwright, dated March 13, 1760, proved March 11, 1762, Will Book HIK, , p179-181, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Cornelius Henly, dated Mar. 10, 1800, probated May 5, 1800, Princess Anne Co, VA.
Will of Daniel Cartwright, dated Aug. 25, 1819, probated May 1822, Will Book C, pg. 2, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Darius Cartwright, dated April 2, 1793, Will Book L, pg. 1-2, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of David Cartwright, dated Jan. 19, 1814, proved Feb. 15, 1814.
Will of Davis Cartwright, dated March, 1861, probated Feb. 22, 1866, Will Book M, pg 90-91, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Deborah Cartwright, dated Sept. 14, 1835, proved Feb. 1835, Will Book C, pg 178-179, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Dempsey Doxey, dated Aug. 8, 1837, proved Nov. 1840, Will Book 4, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Dory Dauge, dated June 26, 1831, probated Aug. 1831, Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Drew Halstead, dated Feb. 25, 1771, probated Dec. 1771, Will Book 1, pg. 214, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Drew Halstead, dated Jan. 22, 1783; Will Book HIK, pg. 518, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Edmond Mansfield, dated Jan. 14, 1867, proved Mar. 4, 1867, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Edward C. Blount, dated May 27, 1847, Will Book N, pg. 220, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Edward Hack Moseley, dated May 24, 1782, proved Apr. 10, 1783, Deed Book 18, pg. 186, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Elias Dozier, dated Nov. 12, 1827, probabed Nov. 1829, Will Book 3, pg. 232, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Elizabeth Halstead, dated Apr. 18, 1836, Will Book N, pg. 134, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Elizabeth Halstead, dated April 18, 1836; Will Book N, pg. 134, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Elizabeth Mathias, dated Jan. 24, 1832, proved May 1832; Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Elizabeth Mathias, dated July 11, 1769, probated Oct. 19, 1769, Will Book 1, pg. 192, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Emily Cartwright, dated Sept. 13, 1915, proved Jan. 24, 1916, Will Book E, pg. 515-517, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Enoch Sanderlin, dated Apr. 12, 1840, porved May 1840, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Ephraim Bright, Will Book O, pg. 64.
Will of Ephraim Brite, dated Aug. 2, 1836, Will Book N, pg. 130, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Francis Sorey, dated Apr. 1, 1747, proved Mar. 20, 1753, Deed Book 7, pg. 433, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Gideon Cartwright, dated Mar. 12, 1836, proved July, 1837, Will Book C, pg. 202, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Goab Doudge, dated Sept. 3, 1795, probated July 1, 1799, Will Book 2, pg. 122, Princess Anne Co, VA.
Will of Griffith Gray, dated Dec. 22, 1755, Will Book HIK, pg 45, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Haywood S. Bell, dated 1845, Will Book C, pg. 239, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Henry Halstead, dated Oct. 15, 1794, proved July 20, 1795; Will Book 3, pg. 56, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Henry Keaton, dated June 2, 1806, Will Book M, pg. 126, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Henry Sawyer, dated June 24, 1728, probated Aug. 3, 1729, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Hezekiah Cartwright, dated April 10, 1792, Will Book L, pg. 6-10, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Ira McPherson, dated 1833, probated 1895.
Will of Isaac Cartwright, dated Aug. 13, 1774, proved May, 1777, Will Book HIK, pg.151-153, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Isaac Cartwright, dated Oct. 21, 1825, Will Book N, pg. 24, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Isaac E. Cartwright, dated July 11, 1854, proved Dec. 1854, Will Book D, pg. 6, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Isaac N. Baxter, dated July 25, 1855, proved Dec. 3, 1855, Will Book 4, pg. 376, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Jacob Cartwright, dated Sept. 22, 1828, proved Nov. 10, 1828.
Will of Jacob Dudley, dated Sept. 15, 1832, proved Dec. 3 , 1833, Will Book 4, pg. 157, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of James Cartwright Sr., dated April 10, 1821, Will Book N, pg. 3-10, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of James Cartwright, dated 1827, Will Book N, pg 42, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of James Cartwright, dated Apr. 1, 1839, Will Book N, pg. 174, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of James Dauge Jr. dated April 12, 1713, Deed Book 3, pg. 121, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of James Douge dated Jan. 19, 1810, probated 1812, Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of James Green, dated Jan. 28, 1812, Will Book 3, pg. 12, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of James Jackson, proved April 4, 1816, Will Book M, pg. 303, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Jehu Cartwright, dated Sept. 15, 1810, proved Mar. 1813, Will Book M, pg. 250-251, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Jeremiah Murden, dated Aug. 3, 1745, proved Nov. 20, 1750, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Jeremiah Sawyer, Dated Oct. 10, 1755, Proved June, 1756, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Jesse Brite, dated Aug.20, 1814, Will Book M, pg. 405, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Jesse Cartwright, date Feb. 3, 1841, Will Book N, pg. 189, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Joab Dozier, dated Jan. 15, 1844, Probated Sept. 5, 1844, Will Book 4, pg. 106, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Job Cartwright, dated Dec. 30, 1776, proved May 5, 1777, Will Book HIK, p. 153-155, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Anthony Fentress, dated Sept. 28, 1928, probated, Jan. 22, 1934, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Avery, dated Oct. 27, 1840, Hyde Co., NC.
Will of John Bradly, dated Feb. 2, 1728, proved June 27, 1789; Currituck Co., NC, WB 1, pg. 241, "Electronic."
Will of John Bright, dated 1780, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated 1778, Will Book K, pg. 13, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated 1780, Will Book B, pg. 54, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated 1790, Will Book K, pg. 203, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated April 23, 1714, Pasquotank, NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated Dec. 1, 1784, Will Book K, pg. 61, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated Dec. 1832, proved 1835, Will Book N, pg. 111, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated Mar. 25, 1778, proved Aug. 1778, Will Book HIK, pg.417-420, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated Nov. 10, 1804, proved Dec. 1804, Will Book M, pg. 103-104, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated Sept. 27, 1843, Will Book N, pg. 195, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Dauge, dated April 15, 1734, probated May 1, 1734, Deed Book 4, pg. 500 Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Doxey, dated May 15, 1820, proved Feb. 1824, Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of John Dudley, dated April 8, 1753, probated April 17, 1753, Deed Book 7, pg. 455, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Flora, dated Dec. 28, 1826, probated Feb. 1827 Will Book 3.
Will of John Fountain, dated Nov. 24, 1852, probated Mar. 7, 1853, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Fulford, dated Oct. 29, 1791, proved Sept. 16, 1799, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of John Garrison, dated Oct. 31, 1820, probated June 2, 1823, Will Book 3, pg. 364, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Halstead, dated April 19, 1783, proved May 20, 1784; Will Book 2, pg. 193, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of John Halstead, dated Jan. 1791, probated 1803; Will Book K, pg. 71, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Hunter Cartwright Sr., dated Feb. 28, 1753, probated April 17, 1753, Deed Book 7, pg.439, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John McBride, dated Nov. 20, 1763, Probated Oct 1766, Will Book HIK, pg. 282, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Richardson, dated Mar. 4, 1761, Will Book HIK, pg. 7, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Sawyer, dated 1762,.
Will of John SImpson, dated Oct. 27, 1804, probated Dec. 22, 1804; Will Book 2, pg. 257, Currituck Co., NC, "Electronic."
Will of John Turner, dated April 6, 1750, proved May 15, 1750, Deed Book 7, p. 168, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Whitehurst, dated Apr. 30, 1785, probated June 9, 1785, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Whitehurst, dated Dec. 11, 1815, probated Feb. 5, 1816, Will Book 3, pg. 171.
Will of Joseph Cartwright, dated May 29, 1834, proved Nov. 1837, Will Book C, pg. 224, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Joseph Dozier, dated Aug. 20, 1833, proved May 1837, Will Book C, pg. 205, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Joseph Keaton Sr. dated Sept. 1784, Will Book HIK, pg. 550, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Joseph Keaton, dated Aug. 10, 1822, probated May, 1824.
Will of Joseph Morgan, dated Feb. 5, 1776, proved Mar. 1777, Will Book HIK, pg. 140, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Joseph Pendleton, dated Mar. 15, 1788, Will Book K, pg. 73, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Joseph Sanderlin, dated 1818, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Joshua Baxter, dated 1786, Book B, NC.
Will of Josiah Richardson, dated Oct. 16, 1773, Will Book HIK, pg. 87, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Kedar Sorey, dated Oct. 27, 1823, probated Nov. 3, 1823, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Labron Richardson, dated May 6, 1770, Will Book HIK, pg. 427, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Lancaster Lovett Sr., dated Jan. 21, 1751, probated Feb. 18, 1752, Deed Book 7, pg. 303, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Lancaster Lovett, dated Oct. 25, 1700, Deed Book 1, pg. 360, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Lemuel Pritchard, dated Oct. 9, 1843, Will Book n, pg. 235, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Levey Fulford, dated July 14, 1785, proved June 15, 1786, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Linner Bray, dated April 13, 1815, proved c1815; Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Lodwick Williams, dated Nov. 28, 1770, Will Book M, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Luke Lamb, dated Dec. 28, 1820, proved 1822, Will Book C, pg. 6-7, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Malachi Beasley, dated Oct. 27, 1840, proved Feb. 1841, Will Book 4, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Malachi Sawyer, dated Aug. 1839, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Malachi Wilson, dated July 12, 1785, proved Oct. 18, 1787.
Will of Margaret Doudge Dozier dated April 8, 1922, Probated Jan. 10, 1924, Will Book 7, pg. 13, Princess Anne Co, VA.
Will of Martha Cartwright, dated Mar. 17, 1747/48, proved April 1748, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Martin L Cartwright, dated Jan. 12, 1889, Will Book E, pg. 293-294, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Mary Clark, dated Sept. 14, 1848, Will Book N, pg. 225, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Mary Hinton, dated Dec. 9, 1832, Will Book N, pg. 142, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Mary Keeling Cartwright, dated Mar. 16, 1762, Deed Book 9, pg.50, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Mary Lovett, dated Dec. 1, 1705, probated May 1, 1706, Deed Book 1, pg. 467, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Mary Richardson, dated Feb. 11, 1822, Will Book M, pg. 354, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Mary Sanderlin, dated Aug. 1762, proved Jan. 1765,Will Book HIK, pg. 40, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Mathias Halstead, dated Feb. 18, 1818, proved Jan. 21, 1828; Will Book 5, pg. 209, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Matthew Halstead, proved June 18, 1827; Will Book 5, pg. 194, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Matthias Cartwright, dated Sept. 12, 1806, proved June 11, 1807, Will Book M, pg. 151, 152, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Maximillian Sanderlin, dated Sept. 2, 1780, Will Book HIK, pg. 475, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Miles Morgan, dated Aug. 31, 1835, Will Book C, pg. 203, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Millicent Halstead, dated Nov. 16, 1801, Will Book M, pg. 85, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Mordecai Morris, dated Feb. 25, 1830, Will Book N, pg. 69, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Mordica Beasley, dated May 31, 1852, probated Oct. 4, 1852, Will Book 4, pg. 354, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Nancy Bray, dated June 7, 1808, proved c1810; Will Book 2, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Nathaniel Halstead, dated Jan. 12, 1811, probated Aug. 19, 1811; Will Book 4, pg. 165, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Noah Brock, dated Oct. 5, 1844, proved Feb. 1, 1847, Will Book 4, pg. 316.
Will of Owen Reese, dated April 7, 1745, proved July 1745, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Pembroke Cartwright, dated Aug. 13, 1818 (codicil: Nov. 16, 1818), proved June 16, 1826.
Will of Penelope Bell, dated 1867, Will Book 4, pg. 267, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Peter Cartwright, dated July 28, 1781, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Peter Doudge dated Aug. 7, 1824, probated Aug. 1824, Will Book 3, pg. 176, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Peter Dozier, dated Jan. 27, 1858, probated Feb. 7, 1858, Will Book 4, pg. 222, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Peter Parker, dated June 12, 1824, proved Nov. 1826, Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Peter Sorey, dated April 12, 1784, proved Aug. 12, 1784, Will Book 1, pg. 26, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Polly Cartwright, dated April 6, 1838, proved Feb. 1839, Will Book C, pg. 245, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Rebecca Cartwright, dated Mar. 25, 1840, Will Book N, pg. 155, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Richard Bonney, dated Jan. 21, 1706, Deed Book 2, pg. 14, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Richard Bradley, dated April 13,1756, proved June 1756, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Richard Doudge Sr., dated Mar. 31, 1802, probated Sept. 5, 1803, Will Book 2 pg. 225, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Robert Bailey, Dated Feb. 14, 1831, Will Book N, pg. 62, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Robert Cartwright Jr., dated 1699.
Will of Robert Cartwright Sr., dated 1676.
Will of Robert Cartwright, dated April 15, 1746, proved July, 1746, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Robert Cartwright, dated Oct. 15, 1719, probated Jan. 6, 1719, Deed book 3, pg. 296, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Robert Cartwright, dated Oct. 24, 1809, proved Feb. 19, 1810, Davidson Co., TN.
Will of Robert Huggins, dated Aug. 21, 1753, probated April 16, 1754, Deed Book 7, pg. 587, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Rueben P. Cartwright, dated May 25, 1832, proved July 2, 1832, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Samuel Halstead, dated Dec. 27, 1831, Will Book N, pg. 77, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Samuel Halstead, dated May 3, 1785, proved Dec. 1785; Will Book 2, pg. 237, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Samuel Jackson, dated Dec. 3, 1748, proved June 13, 1849, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Samuel Reding, dated 1762, registered March 13, 1762, Will Book HIK, pg 13-14, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Samuel Williamson, dated Sept. 6, 1824, proved Nov. 4, 1828, Will Book 4, pg. 124, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Sarah Reding, dated Oct. 1, 1775, Will Book HIK, pg. 144, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Simon Halstead, dated Nov. 1800, proved Feb. 16, 1801; Will Book 3, pg. 239, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Simon Mathias, dated March 20, 1815, proved June 1815; Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Smith Halstead, dated Sept. 15, 1808, probated May 18, 1812; Will Book 4, pg. 166, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Southward Cartwright, dated Oct. 13, 1813, proved July 1, 1816, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Stephen Richardson, dated Feb. 4, 1802, Will Book M, pg. 57, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Stephen Richardson, dated Feb. 7, 1722, probated July 16, 1723, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Sylvanus Clark, dated July 31, 1833, Will Book N, pg. 135, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas B. Gresham, dated Dec. 23, 1852, probated Mar. 7, 1853, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Thomas C. Cartwright Jr., dated March 4, 1706, proved April 15, 1707, Pasquotank, NC.
Will of Thomas Cartwright, dated Dec. 17, 1761, proved 1762, Will Book HIK, pg. 11-13, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas Cartwright, dated May 4, 1805, proved June 1805, Will Book M, pg. 114, 115, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas Etheridge Sr. dated 1839, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Thomas Halstead Jr., dated Aug. 30, 1771, proved Aug. 1771, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Thomas Halstead, dated June 20, 1775, probabed Aug. 1775, Will Book 2, pg. 68, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Thomas Halstead, probated May 16, 1836; Will Book 6, pg. 2, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Thomas Pendleton, dated Feb. 21, 1732, proved Apr. 1732, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas Pritchard, date July 22, 1772, Will Book HIK, pg 181, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas Pritchard, dated May 17, 1804, Will Book M, pg. 97, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas Smithson, dated Nov. 2, 1743, proved Jan. 1743/44, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas T. Cartwright, dated Jan. 12, 1729/30, Registered April 8, 1730, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas T. Cartwright, dated Mar. 13, 1761, Will Book HIK, pg. 11-13, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Trimigan Reding, dated Mar. 31, 1778, Will Book, HIK, pg. 451, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Tull Douge, dated May 18, 1746, probated July 1, 1746, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Tully Bell, dated 1843, Will Book 4, pg. 101, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Tully Robinson Smyth, dated May 3, 1753, proved July 17, 1753, Deed Book 7, pg. 490, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Tully Sawyer, dated 1787, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of William Cartwright Jr., dated Feb. 2, 1731, probated Feb. 16, 1731, Chowan or Pasquotank, NC.
Will of William Cartwright, dated Apr. 18, 1831, Will Book N, pg. 66, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of William Cartwright, dated Jan. 15, 1733, probated April 19, 1734.
Will of William Cartwright, dated May 20, 1753, probated June 19, 1753, Deed Book 7, pg. 474, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of William Cartwright, dated Oct. 15, 1805, proved Mar. 1806, Will Book M, pg. 117, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of William Doxey, dated Sept. 4, 1830, proved Feb. 1834, Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of William Flory, dated May 27, 1811, probated 1812, Will Book 3.
Will of William Gornto, dated Feb. 17, 1833, probated Dec. 3, 1833, Will Book 4, pg. 155, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of William S. Hinton, dated June 20, 1826, Will Book N, pg 40, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of William Scott, dated Jan. 15, 1832, Will Book N, pg. 80, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of William Sorey, dated Oct. 23, 1784, probated Nov. 11, 1784, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of William Sorey, Sr., dated Sept. 26, 1811, probated Mar. 2, 1812, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Willoughby Dauge, dated Nov. 24, 1804, probated Dec. 22, 1804, Will Book 2, pg. 248, Currituck Co., Courthouse, NC.
Will of Willoughby Dozier, dated Aug. 28, 1818, Will Book 3.
Will of Zachariah Doxey, no date, proved Jan. 6, 1906, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Zachariah Simpson, dated June 20, 1860, probated Aug. 1860, Will Book 4, pg. 239, Currituck Co., NC.
Will probated April 14, 1815 (no date on will)..
Will probated June 29, 1898, Will Book 5, pg. 291, Princess Anne Co., VA.
"William & Mary Quarterly."
William Doub Bennett, Currituck County, North Carolina Eighteenth Century Tax & Militia Records, (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1993).
William Everett Beasley, "Electronic."
William Temple, "Electronic."
Wills dated 1783 & 1790.
Wilma Spence & Edna Shannanhouse, North Carolina Bible Records.
Wilson Family Bible, "Electronic."
World Family Tree 175156, "Electronic."
World Family Tree 5284, "Electronic."
World War I Draft Registration Card for Adam McClair Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Albert Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Bailey Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Bill Doxie.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Cader Willoughby Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Charles Percy Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Clarence Marion Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Claud Lee Beasley.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Daniel Webster Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Earley Stonewall Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Edward Lattimore Doxey.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Edwin Fulford Cox.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Elton Edwin Stewart.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Ernest Linwood Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Frank Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for George Walter Cartwright Sr..
World War I Draft Registration Card for George Washington Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for George Wilbur Dozire.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Harvey Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Haywood D. Doxey Jr..
World War I Draft Registration Card for Hillery Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for James Bradley Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for James Taylor Hughes.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Jeremiah M. Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Jesse Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Jesse Leon Doxey.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Joel Herbert Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for John Henry Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for John Lawrence Frost.
World War I Draft Registration Card for John Nelson Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for John Sanders Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Joseph H. Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Joseph Holoman Lane.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Lectious Theodore Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Lemuel Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Lowry Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Martin Lee Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Milton Mansfield.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Olion Emerson Frost.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Oscar Lee Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Patrick Gordon Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Percy Cader Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Phillip Clarence Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Raymond Linwood Fulford.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Robert Lee Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Saint Clair Doxey.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Sanburn Leary Pritchard.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Slidel Mercer Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Soloman Walter Stewart.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Sydney H. Simmons.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Tully Lonnie Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Wallace G. Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for William Henry Doxey.
World War I Draft Registration Card for William Henry Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for William Matthew Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for William Thomas Sears.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Willie Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Willie Otma Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Willis Williamson Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration of Phillip Dozier Cotter.
World War II Registration Card for Joseph Henry Dozier.
World War II Registration Card for William Thomas Sears.
Wrenn Redford Herman, "Electronic."
Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 6, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Jul 9, 2002, Internal Ref. #
Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 6, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Apr 11, 2002, Internal Ref. #
Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 6, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Apr 11, 2002, Internal Ref. #
1799 Taxable Property List, Norfolk Co., VA.
1859 Norfolk City Directory.
1888-1891 Norfolk, Virginia Directories, "Electronic."
1889 Norfolk, Portsmouth, Berkley City Directory.
1898 Norfolk, Portsmouth, Berkley City Directory.
1899 Norfolk, Portsmouth, Berkley City Directory.
1952 Uniform Associational Letter for Oak Grove Baptist Church.
Adabelle Shirley Riddick, "Matthews Family Manuscript," 2000.
Adabelle Shirley Riddick, Laban and Bessie Shirley Family Genealogy Cookbook, (1996).
Adabelle Shirley Riddick.
Albemarle Genealogical Society, Currituck County, North Carolina Cemetery Records, (Gateway Press, 1995).
Albemarle Genealogical Society, Inc, Jo Anna Heath Bates, Editor, The Heritage of Currituck County, (Hunter Publishing Company, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 1985).
Alexander Cleveland Cox Jr., "The Cox Family Papers," Norfolk, VA; July 1993.
Alice Dozier Brown, "Electronic."
Alice Granberry Walter, Cartwright & Shipp Families Chart, (1968).
Alicia Elaine (Gross) Stier, "Electronic."
Altmeyer Obituary for Brenda.
Altmeyer Obituary for Brenda Christine Buttrey, "Electronic."
American Civil War Soldiers, "Electronic."
American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI), "Electronic.", "Electronic."
Andrea Doxey Beffer, "Electronic."
Andrew Boyd & Co.,, Virginia State Business Directory, 1871-72, (1871, Richmond, VA, Benjamin Bates, Bookseller and Publisher, 1003 Main Street).
Ann Crews Hance Genealogy, "Electronic."
Ann LeDue, Our Ancestors of South Hampton Roads, "Electronic."
Anna Mae Dozier Wise.
Anne E. Maling, Princess Anne County, Virginia Land and Probate Records Abstracted from Deed Books 8-18, 1755-1783, (1992).
Anne E. Maling, Princess Anne County, Virginia Land and Probate Records Abstracted from Deed Books 1-7, 1691-1755, (1993).
Anne Currin, "Electronic."
Anne E. Maling, Princess Anne County Wills 1783-1871, (Heritage Books, Inc. 1994 Bowie, MD).
Annie Laurie Wright Smith, The Quit Rents of Virginia 1704, (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1987).
Annie Mae Dozier Wise.
"Anniversary Announcement Dozier - 50 years."
Application of Guardianship by W.A. Doxey for Bettie Doxey, dated 4/18/1908; Currituck Co., NC, "Electronic."
Appraisal of Adam Lovett estate, dated Sept. 18, 1759, Deed Book 8, pg. 402, , Princess Anne Co., VA.
Appraisal of James Carraway estate, dated April 21, 1761, Deed Book 8, pg. 583, Princess Anne Co., Va.
Appraisal of William Cartwright estate, dated Nov. 20, 1764, Deed Book 9, pg. 512, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Barbara Strawbridge.FTW, "Electronic."
Barbara.FTW, "Electronic."
Based on dates avail. (LDJ).
Beau Bowen, "Electronic."
Benjamin H. Trask, 61st Virginia Infantry, (1st Edition).
Bennie Pierce.
Beth Becker, "Electronic."
Beth Fridley, Princess Anne County, Virginia Births 1853-80, (Orem, UT).
Beth Fridley, Princess Anne County Births 1853-80, (Orem, UT).
Bettie Fisher, North Carolina Doxeys, "Electronic."
Betty LeBlanc, "Electronic."
BettyJoMiller59833, Laurence M Miller Family History Site, "Electronic."
Bible of Almond Spence.
Bible of Anna Davis, owned by Katherine Goodlander Cartwright.
Bible of Benoni Cartwright.
Bible of Bright Cartwright.
Bible of C. L. Davenport.
Bible of Ernest Almon Spence.
Bible of Isaiah Cartwright, (1849).
Bible of James E. Cartwright, (c.1843).
Bible of James Newby.
Bible of James S. Cartwright.
Bible of Jeremiah Cartwright.
Bible of Jesse Cartwright.
Bible of Joshua McPherson.
Bible of Lemuel R. Cartwright.
Bible of Lemuel S. Cartwright.
Bible of Luke Whitehurst.
Bible of Major Bell.
Bible of Mary Frances Brown.
Bible of Morgan Cartwright.
Bible of Nancy Lee.
Bible of Nathan Morris Munden.
Bible of Nathaniel Sorey.
Bible of Robert P. Cartwright.
Bible of Samuel Ferebee.
Bible of Thomas E. Cartwright, (c.1843).
Bible of Walter L. Brown.
Bible of William Cartwright.
Bible of Wilson B. Sorey.
Bible Record belonging to Mrs. J. B. Kittrell, Greenville, NC.
Bible Records - Tombstone Inscriptions.
Bible Records: Bell.
Bible Records: Cowell.
Bible Records: Ferebee.
Bible Records: Ownley.
Bible Records: Sanderlin, (Edward W. Miller, Artisan Building, Ranstead Place, 1849).
Bill Simpson, Virginia Baptist Historical Society.
Birth Certificate of Lettie Elizabeth Doxey.
Birth Certificate of Unnamed Female Cartwright.
Birth Certificate of Unnamed Male Cartwright.
Birth Record of Nettie B. Wright.
Blackwater Baptist Church.
Blackwater Baptist Church Cemetery, Virginia Beach, VA.
Bob Carterette, "Electronic."
Bob Patrick, "Electronic."
"Body of Tunstall Avenue Man Found in Eastern Branch."
Brenda Meeks, "Electronic."
Brian Davis, "Electronic."
Brøderbund, Family Archive #306, Census Microfilm Records: NC, 1850, Disk 2, Cumberland-Currituck, Microfilm 627 Currituck County, (Release date: December 8, 1998), "CD-ROM."
Buried Treasures in Old Princess Anne County Virginia, "Electronic."
Business Card for Carl M. Dozier.
C. C. Smith, "Electronic."
Calvin Mitchell, "Electronic."
Camden County Estate Records, 1790-1929.
Camden County Historical Society, Wills of Camden County, NC, The Oldest Will Book on File, 1755-1784, (Camden, North Carolina, 1960).
Camden County History & Miscellaneous Records.
Carl Bernhardt, "Electronic."
Carl M. Dozier.
Carol Anne Cartwright Eason.
Carolyn Ann Parker Beron, "Electronic."
Carolyn L. Barkley, Princess Anne County, Virginia Marriage Bonds 1822-1850, (Willow Bend Books, Lovettsville, VA 1997).
Carolyn L. Barkley, Princess Anne County, Virginia Marrage Bonds 1822-1850, (Willow Bend Books, Lovettsville, Virginia 1997).
Carrol Stimpson, "Electronic."
Carter Family Tree Maker.FTW.
Cartwright Research Center, "Electronic."
Cava Christian Church Cemetery, Virginia Beach, VA.
Cecil Earl Sorey Jr., "Electronic."
Cemetery Census, "Electronic."
Census 1754, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1769, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1782, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1790, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1790, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1790, Edgecombe Co., NC.
Census 1790, Head of Families, 1st Census of the US.
Census 1790, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1800, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1800, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1810, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1810, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1820, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1820, NC Census Index.
Census 1820, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1820, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1830, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1830, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1830, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1830, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1830, Virginia.
Census 1830, Wilson Co., TN.
Census 1840, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1840, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1840, Haywood Co., TN.
Census 1840, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1840, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1840, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1850, Butler Co., OH.
Census 1850, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1850, Craven Co., NC.
Census 1850, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1850, Davidson Co., TN.
Census 1850, Fairfield Co., CT.
Census 1850, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1850, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1850, Perquimans Co., NC.
Census 1850, Prince George Co., VA.
Census 1850, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1850, Tippacanoe Co., IN.
Census 1850, Union Co., NC.
Census 1850, Washington Co., IN.
Census 1860, Bertie Co., NC.
Census 1860, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1860, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1860, Gates Co., NC.
Census 1860, Hartford Co., CT.
Census 1860, Nansemond Co., VA.
Census 1860, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1860, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1860, Portsmouth, VA.
Census 1860, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1860, Singleton Co., IL.
Census 1860, Union Co., NC.
Census 1870, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1870, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1870, Gates Co., NC.
Census 1870, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1870, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1870, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1870, Surry Co., NC.
Census 1870, Washington Co., NC.
Census 1880, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1880, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1880, Jackson Co., IN.
Census 1880, Nansemond Co., VA.
Census 1880, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1880, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1880, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1885, Minnesota Territorial & State Census, Goodhue Co., MN.
Census 1895, Minnesota Territorial & State Census, Goodhue Co., MN.
Census 1900, Bertie Co., NC.
Census 1900, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1900, Camden Co., VA.
Census 1900, Cass Co., IN.
Census 1900, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1900, Currituck Co., NC 232323232323.
Census 1900, Goodline Co., MN.
Census 1900, Hertford Co., NC.
Census 1900, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1900, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1900, Perquimans Co., NC.
Census 1900, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1900, Wabasha Co., MN.
Census 1900, Washington Co., NC.
Census 1910, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1910, Chowan Co., NC.
Census 1910, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1910, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1910, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1910, Perquimans Co., NC.
Census 1910, Portsmouth, VA.
Census 1910, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1910, Warwick Co., VA.
Census 1910, Washington Co., NC.
Census 1920, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1920, Camden Co., VA.
Census 1920, Columbus Co., NC.
Census 1920, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1920, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1920, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1920, Perquimans Co., NC.
Census 1920, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1920, Washington Co., NC.
Census 1930, Camden Co., NC.
Census 1930, Columbus Co., NC.
Census 1930, Currituck Co., NC.
Census 1930, Norfolk Co., VA.
Census 1930, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Census 1930, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Census 1930, Warwick Co., VA.
Census 1930, Washington Co., NC.
Census 1940, Norfolk Co., VA.
Cesus 1920, Norfolk Co., VA.
Charles Pannill Fulford Jr., "Electronic."
Charles Wilson, "Electronic."
Charlotte Bustelos, "Electronic."
Christina Dawn Hogue.
Christmas Newsletter of Mark Brown, (2003).
Christopher A. Baxter, "Electronic."
Civil War Pension Application, "Electronic."
Clare Pebworth, "Electronic."
Clarence Watson, "Electronic."
Clayton Torrence, Virginia Wills & Administrations 1632 - 1800.
Col. Williamson, Western Union Telegram, (Fort Myers, VA, August 23, 1950).
Colonial America, 1607-1789 NC Census Index - 1782.
Compiled by Carrie L. Broughton, Marriage and Death Notices in Raleigh Register and North Carolina State Gazette 1826-1845, (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1968).
Connie Cartwright Kwasha, Cartwrights of the Southern United States, (Heritage Books, Bowie, MD1996).
Creekmore Family Photo Album, "Electronic."
Cross Index Marriage Register of Currituck Co., NC.
Currituck County Deeds, Register of Deeds Office, Division of Land of Tully Dozier.
Currituck County Marriage Register 1868-1925, Book B.
Currituck County Marriage Register Book A (no dates).
Currituck County Obituaries, "Electronic."
D. E. Grimes, "Electronic."
D. G. Owens, "Electronic."
D. G. Owens, Brown Family Cemetery, "Electronic."
Dane Sanderlin, "Electronic."
DAR Genealogical Research Database, "Electronic."
DAR Lineage application of Pana Newman Stanford, (1974).
Darleen F. Ricci, "Electronic."
Database of Interments, Bureau of Cemeteries, Norfolk, VA..
Daughters of the American Revolutionary War Lineage Records, "Electronic."
Death Certificate for Clarissa Virginia Sawyer Davis.
Death Certificate of Addie Florence Litchfield Stewart, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of Addie May Doxey.
Death Certificate of Adelia Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Alice James Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Alphonso Lee.
Death Certificate of Ambrose Roy Doxey.
Death Certificate of Andrew G. Dozier.
Death Certificate of Augustus Caesar Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Baby Girl Doxey.
Death Certificate of Bailey H. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Bailey Harrell Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Bascom S. Sawyer.
Death Certificate of Benjamin F. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Benjamin Franklin Cartwright Jr..
Death Certificate of Benoni Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Bright Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Caleb James Caton.
Death Certificate of Charlie C. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Chester Linwood Fulcher.
Death Certificate of Christian Ferebee Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Clinonia Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Clinton C. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Columbus Doxey.
Death Certificate of Cora Aydlett Jennings.
Death Certificate of Cordelia Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Cornelia P. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Cornelia Pritchard Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Daniel Webster Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Davis Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Dockey Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Dorothy Doxey Hopkins.
Death Certificate of Dr. Robert N. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Edgar Daniel Bright.
Death Certificate of Edward Pendleton Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Ella Elizabeth Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Ella Zena Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Enoch Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Ephraim Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Ernest Lee Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Ethel Doxey Miller.
Death Certificate of Ethel Miller.
Death Certificate of Eva Doxey Davenport.
Death Certificate of Eva Earnesteen Davenport.
Death Certificate of Gaius T. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of George Ambrose Doxey.
Death Certificate of George Walter Cartwright Sr..
Death Certificate of George Washington Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Glenda Lee Miller.
Death Certificate of Haywood D. Doxey.
Death Certificate of Haywood D. Doxey Jr..
Death Certificate of Henry Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Henry Martin Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Herbert Linwood Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Hettie Doxey Hampton Gray.
Death Certificate of Infant of Eva Doxey.
Death Certificate of Isaac Doxey.
Death Certificate of Isaac Gray Doxey.
Death Certificate of Isadora Cartwright.
Death Certificate of J.B. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of J.B. Lee.
Death Certificate of James B. Doxey.
Death Certificate of James Cartwright.
Death Certificate of James Edward Cartwright.
Death Certificate of James Ray Doxey.
Death Certificate of James Woodhouse Forbes.
Death Certificate of Jeanette Jimmy Gray.
Death Certificate of Jehu Milton Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Jerome Doxey Jr..
Death Certificate of Jerome Doxey Sr..
Death Certificate of Jesse Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Joel Herbert Cartwright.
Death Certificate of John Arnold Frost Jr..
Death Certificate of John J. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of John Lindsey Doxey, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of John Lloyd Doxey.
Death Certificate of John Milton Caton.
Death Certificate of John S. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of John W. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Joseph Hughes.
Death Certificate of Josiah Palin Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Julia Booth Doxey.
Death Certificate of Lectious C. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Lemuel Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Leon Doxey.
Death Certificate of Lett Doxey.
Death Certificate of Leven W, Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Lillian Berry Sawyer.
Death Certificate of Lillie Cartwright Seymore.
Death Certificate of Lois Cartwright Ontro.
Death Certificate of Louetta Doxey Cox.
Death Certificate of Louis Alexander Doxey.
Death Certificate of Margaret Long Scaff.
Death Certificate of Margaret Lowery Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Margarite Alline Doxey.
Death Certificate of Martha Spence Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Martin Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Martin Jackson Morris.
Death Certificate of Martin Lenyard Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Martin Lin Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Mary Doxey Lee.
Death Certificate of Mary E. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Mary E. Creekmore.
Death Certificate of Mary Elizabeth Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Mary Ellen Forehand Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Mary Fulford Aydlett.
Death Certificate of Mary Louise Miller Rall.
Death Certificate of Mattie Cox Wilkins.
Death Certificate of Mattie Simmons Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Maude Irene Doxey.
Death Certificate of Mildred Doxey Bowers.
Death Certificate of Minnie Cartwright Burgess.
Death Certificate of Minnie Doxey Ferebee.
Death Certificate of Mr. Earl Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Nathan D. Sorey.
Death Certificate of Nora Dozier Burgess.
Death Certificate of Odelia Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Parthenia Wright.
Death Certificate of Pattie Stanton Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Peter Dozier, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of Rosa May Litchfield, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of Roy Bradley.
Death Certificate of Saint Clair Doxey.
Death Certificate of Samuel Mathew Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Sarah Cartwright Riddick.
Death Certificate of Sarah F. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Sarah Penelope Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Soloman W. Stewart, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of Steven F. Squires.
Death Certificate of Susan Cartwright Cooper.
Death Certificate of Thomas Edward Creekmore.
Death Certificate of Thomas Wood Harrell.
Death Certificate of Unnamed Male Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Walter Simon Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Wiley Jackson Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Willey Cartwright.
Death Certificate of William Cartwright.
Death Certificate of William Clyde Doxey.
Death Certificate of William H. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of William Henry Doxey.
Death Certificate of William M. Stewart, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of William Olin Doxey.
Death Certificate of William Selby Cartwright.
Death Certificate of William T. Cartwright.
Death Certificate of William Thomas Aydlett, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of William Thomas Cartwright.
Death Certificate of William Trotman Cartwright.
Death Certificate of Willis Alexander Doxey.
Death Certificate of Willis H. Doxey, "Electronic."
Death Certificate of Ziedrick Cartwright.
Death Index 1853, Norfolk Co., VA.
Death Record Index for Washington County, NC, "Electronic."
Death Records Indexing Project, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Debbie Loefgren.
Debi Doxey Welker, "Electronic."
Declaration for Widow's Pension, dated Mar. 1, 1892, Lavinia Brennamen.
Deed Book 16, Currituck Co., NC.
Deed Book 20.
Deed Book 7, Currituck Co., NC.
Deed of Bargain & Sale of Lydia Sawyer to Haywood S. Bell, dated Feb.4, 1843, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Caleb Sears to James Cowell, dated Dec. 15, 1810, Deed Book 12, pg. 248, Currituck Co., NC.
Deed of Curby Cartwright, dated 1803, Deed Book K, pg. 82, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Division of James Sanderlin, dated 1794, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Division of Margaret Cartwright, dated Jan. 18, 1827, pg 43-44. Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Division, dated 1826, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Edon Fulford, Deed Book 32, pg. 200, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Deed of Elizabeth Cartwright, dated 1783, Deed Book C, pg. 183, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Evan Sawyer and wife Sarah to Joseph Sanderlin, dated Nov. 8, 1804, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Fanny Wood, dated 1853, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Gift, dated April 1, 1696, Deed Book 1, pg. 116, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Deed of Indenture, dated June 20, 1784, Deed Book 9, pg. 151, Norfolk Co., VA.
Deed of Isaac Cartwright Jr. dated 1803, Deed Book K, pg. 184, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Isaac Cartwright Jr. dated 1828, Deed Book T, pg. 143, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Isaac Cartwright Sr. dated 1826, Deed Book T, pg. 13, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Isaac Litten, dated 1803, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Jabez Sawyer, dated 1821, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Jean Cartwright, dated 1798, Deed Book H, pg. 107, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Jesse Dozier to Tulley Dozier, dated June 22, 1827, Deed Book 18, pg. 24, Currituck Co., NC.
Deed of Josiah Grandy to Sarah Cartwright, dated 1834, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Mark Cartwright & wife to Gideon Lamb, Deed Book M, 1810-1815, pg. 415, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Mark Cartwright & wife to Isaac Murden, Deed Book, M, 1810-1815, pg. 405, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Mary Sawyer to her 6 children, dated 1819, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of Robert Cartwright and wife Pemmy to Capt. James Kempe, dated Aug. 7, 1766, Deed Book 9, pg.599, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Deed of Robert Cartwright to William Cartwright, dated April 8, 1768, Deed Book 10, pg.247, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Deed of Thomas C. Ferebee, dated 1819, Deed Book Q, pg. 122, Camden Co., NC.
Deed of William Ferebee to Samuel Ferebee, dated September 1, 1788, Deed Book 6, pg. 44, Currituck Co., NC.
Deed of William Gaston and wife Mary to John Turner, dated Sept. 14, 1747, Deed Book 6, pg. 687, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Deed of William Keeling Jr. to Lemuel Cartwright, dated Mar.17, 1752, Deed Book 7, pg. 307, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Deed of Willis Cartwright, dated 1819, Camden Co., NC.
Deposition of Lavinia Brennamen, dated Feb. 28, 1902, Portsmouth, VA.
Descendants of Absalom Sawyer Dozier, "Electronic."
Descendants of Caleb Sanderlin, "Electronic."
Descendants of Charles Gardner Trafton, "Electronic."
Dick Oril, "Electronic."
Donna Beeler, The Trueblood Family in America 1682-1963, "Electronic."
Donna Marie Smith Rose, "Descendants of Flossie M. Dozier."
Donna O'Malley, "Electronic."
Doreen Lucille Taylor Hendry, "Electronic."
Doris Stewart Dozier, "Electronic."
Doris Wood Smith.
Doxey Family Album, "Electronic."
Draft Registration Card of Alton Pritchard Mansfield.
Early Tax List, 1769, Pasquotank Co., NC, "Electronic."
Edgecombe County, North Carolina Vital Records, 1720-1880, "Electronic."
Edna Sorey Russo, "Descendants of James D'Auge."
Edna Sorey Russo, "Descendants of Francis Sorey."
"Edna Sorey Russo."
Edna Sorey Russo, "Descendants of Josiah Stallings."
"Edna Sorey Russo Paper."
Edney-Ednye Family Bible Records.
Elaine Hendricks, Genealogy of Elaine Hendricks Alabama Connections and so much more, "Electronic."
Eleanor Wray Cartwright, "Electronic."
Elizabeth B. Wingo, Marriages of Princess Anne County, Virginia 1749-1821.
Elizabeth B. Wingo, Marriages of Norfolk County, Virginia 1805, 1818-1840, Volume III.
Elizabeth B. Wingo, Marriages of Princess Anne County, Virginia 1799-1821, Vol. II.
Elizabeth B. Wingo, Collection of Unrecorded Wills, Norfolk County, VA 1711-1800.
Elizabeth Harris Sgarlata, Harris/Perry/Spires/Minix, "Electronic."
Elizabeth Lee Waldron Roach Miller, "Electronic."
Elizabeth McPherson Jones, Kinfolk of Camden County Deed Books, Vol. 1, (1995 Elizabeth McPherson Jones).
Elizabeth Petty Bentley, Index to the 1800 Census of North Carolina, (Reprinted for Clearfield Company Inc. by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, 1995).
Elizabeth York, "Electronic."
Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, VA.
Elwood Vernon Cartwright Jr., "Electronic."
Email, "Electronic."
Emily Elizabeth Murden Capps.
"Engagement Announcement of Nathan James Frost," Virginian- Pilot, March, 2006.
Estate Record of Zachariah M. Doxey & Mary Doxey, "Electronic."
Eunice Marie Cutrell Doxey Boyd.
"Family Research Society."
Family Research Society of Northeaster North Carolina, "The Generations of the American Cartwrights," Pappendick P-025.
Family Tree Maker, Marriage Index: Maryland, North Carolina & Virginia 1624-1915, (CD #4), "CD-ROM."
Family Tree Maker, "Electronic."
FamilySearch, "Electronic." collection.
Frances Griffin.
From the marriage and obituary citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia., American Beacon and Virginia and North-Carolina Gazette, "Electronic."
From the marriage and obituary citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia., Norfolk and Portsmouth Herald, "Electronic."
From the marriage and obituary citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia., American Commercial Beacon and Norfolk & Portsmouth Daily Advertiser, "Electronic."
Funeral card for Dorothy Benson Sorey.
Funeral card of Hilery Thomas Whitehurst Sr..
Funeral Card of Louise Margie Hayes.
Funeral Card of Ralph Lee Frost.
Funeral Card of Sarah Eula Shipp.
Gates County, NC Civil War Soldiers, "Electronic."
General Affidavit of Lavinia Brennaman, dated June 16, 1892.
General Affidavit of Parmelia F. Boush, dated June 1, 1892.
General Index to Births - Camden County, NC.
General Index to Births - Pasquotank County, NC, "Electronic."
General Index to Delayed Births, Camden County, NC, "Electronic."
General Index to Delayed Births, Pasquotank County, NC, "Electronic."
General Index to Marriages - Currituck Co., NC, "Electronic."
General Index to Marriages - Pasquotank Co., NC, "Electronic."
Georgia Clasing, "Electronic."
[email protected], "Electronic."
Ginny Fleishman, "Electronic."
Gordon C. Jones, Abstracts of Land-grants, Tax Lists, Orphans Dockets, Inventories and Other Records, (1982).
Gordon C. Jones, Abstracts of Wills and Other Records, Currituck and Dare Counties, NC 1663-1850.
Gordon Jones, Currituck Wills.
Gordon Jones, Wills of Currituck Co., NC.
Gordon Jones, Albemarle Lindsey's and Their Descendants, pg. 85-86.
Great Plain Cemetery, Danbury, CT, "Electronic."
Hack Cartwright, "Electronic."
Hank Burnham, "Electronic."
Heather Danielle Brown, (email), "Electronic."
"Helen Baird Stephenson Mills."
Hettie Doxey Gregory.
Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I, Contents - July, 1900.
Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. II, Contents - January, 1901.
History of Norfolk County, 1861-65.
Ida H. Wood, reporter, "Ben Burnham at 90," Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch.
In Rembrance picture.
Index to Vital Statistics - Beaufort Co., NC.
Index to Vital Statistics - Columbus Co., NC.
Index to Vital Statistics - Currituck County, NC, "Electronic."
Index to Vital Statistics - Perquimans County, NC, "Electronic."
Index to Vital Statistics - Vance Co., NC.
Interment card of Rory Owen Brown.
Inventories 1677-1734 Archives File SS 874, pg 82, Raleigh, NC.
Inventories dated Aug. 5, 1741, Deed Book 6, pg. 67, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Inventory of John Key, dated Mar. 19, 1750, Deed Book 7, pg. 248, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Inventory of the Ferebee, Gregory, and McPherson Family Papers, 1816-1913, "Electronic."
Inventory of William Dauge, dated march 17, 1752, Deed Book 7, page 311, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Iris Lewars, "Electronic."
"Iris Waterfield Brinkley papers."
J. Bryan Grimes, North Carolina Wills and Inventories, (Reprinted Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore 1967), "CD-ROM."
J. Howard Stevens, Albemarle People and Places, (Family Research Society of Northeastern North Carolina).
James Bell Family Bible Records, "Electronic."
James Cartwright, "Electronic."
James Curtis (Curt), "Electronic."
James W. Cole, "Family Group Record for Thomas Cartwright/Jane Bright."
Jan Brinkley, "Electronic."
Janice Doxie Richardson.
Jean Cotton, Hobdy family site, "Electronic."
Jean Johnson, Jean's Homepage, "Electronic."
Jean Silvester Spencer, Monograph of the 1860 Currituck County Census, (Spencer & Spencer, Ltd. Moyock, NC, 1986).
Jean Silvester Spencer.
Jen Sawyer, "Electronic."
Jenny Buterbaugh, "Electronic."
Jeryl David Frost Jr..
Jill Jones, "Electronic."
Jim & Lela Steiner, "Tracing the Paths of Our Ancestors: The Spence Family," February 1998.
Joe Butch Sawyer.
John A. Halstead, The Virginia Halsteads, "Electronic."
John Elliott Wood, Editor, Pasquotank Historical Society Yearbook, Vol. 2, (Pasquotank Historical Society, 1956-1957).
John H. Johnston, (email), "Electronic."
John Lucas of Eastern North Carolina Descendants and Related Families, "Electronic."
Joseph William Doxey, "Electronic."
Joshua Beasley.
Josiah Lewis Dozier Jr., "Electronic."
Joyce Waldie, "Electronic."
Joyce Waldie Website, "Electronic."
Karilyn Wilson Petree.
Kathy Curl, "Electronic."
Katie Pritchard, "Electronic."
KD Cutler, "Electronic."
Kristin Johnson, New Light on the Donner Party, "Electronic."
Larry Pritchard.
Laurie Boush Green & Virginia Bonney West, Old Churches, Their Cemeteries and Family Graveyards of Princess Anne County, Virginia.
LDS, "Electronic."
Lee Family Gravesite, Virginia Beach, VA.
Leisha Stride.
Leslie Dannelly, "Electronic."
Leslie Wilbur Sawyer III, "Electronic."
Letter of Alice Wyckoff to Emily Hinton Wyckoff, (Middleboro, Massachusetts, dated May 30, 1945).
Letter of L. W. Cartwright to Mr. Hobert England.
Letter of William Temple, "Electronic."
Lettie Doxey Dozier.
Library of Virginia, "Electronic."
Library of Virginia Electronic Card Indexes (Confederate Rosters), "Electronic."
Lillian Sawyer Umphlett.
Linda Dozier Jordan, Doxey Family Cookbook, (Greenbrier Printers, Chesapeake, VA 1992).
Lisa Rivera, "Electronic."
Lola L. Pigott, Fulford Missing Links - Part I, "Electronic."
Loreena Faye Luther Brown, "Electronic."
Lou A. Murphy.
Lou N. Overman and Edna M Shannonhouse, Pasquotank Historical Society Yearbook, Vol. 3, (Gateway Press, Baltimore, MD, 1975).
Louise Doxey Hayes.
Lower Norfolk County Virginia Antiquary.
Lynne Fowlkes Dozier.
Madelyn Larkin, "Electronic."
Maida Baxter Randall, "Electronic."
Marian Martin.
Marianne Bunting.
Marion Christine Sawyer Caulder.
Marlon Fiske Welch, Moyock, A Pictorial and Folk History 1900-1920, (Donning Company/Publishers, 5659 Va Beach Blvd, Norfolk, VA 23502; c. 1982).
Marriage & Death Notices, 1826-1845, Marriages, 1826-1845, "Electronic."
Marriage Certificate - Benjamin F. Cartwright & Gladys J. Minetree.
Marriage Certificate - Benjamin F. Cartwright & Mollie A. Wilkins.
Marriage Certificate - Charles Arcutt & Alma Cartwright.
Marriage Certificate - Charles Gerlach Cartwright & Lillian Hammond Mower.
Marriage Certificate - Clinton Caswell Campbell & Catherine Georgia Cartwright.
Marriage Certificate - Fred Ryder & Catherine Cartwright.
Marriage Certificate - Gaius Thomas Cartwright & Eunice Josephine Cartwright.
Marriage Certificate - Herman Thomas Cartwright Jr. & Rae Eleanor Robinson.
Marriage Certificate - Hillery Cartwright & Cornelia Parker.
Marriage Certificate - James Edward Cartwright & Nettie Arabella Wright.
Marriage Certificate - Marvin Lee Dozier & Lettie Elizabeth Doxie.
Marriage Certificate - Robert & Sarah McPherson.
Marriage Certificate - Russell Claud Cartwright & Susan Elizabeth Little.
Marriage Certificate - Walter L. Brown & Elnora McClanen.
Marriage Certificate - William Only & Mrs. Fanny F. Davis.
Marriage Certificate of Cecil Davenport and Kizzie Jennings.
Marriage Certificate of Charles Brennaman and Lavinia Patchin..
Marriage Record Book of Davidson Co., TN.
Marriage Register, 1853-1938 - City of Virginia Beach, VA, "Electronic."
Marriage Register, 1904.
Marriage Register, Camden Co., NC 1848-1868.
Marriages of Norfolk County, Virginia 1851-1865, Vol. V..
Martha Spence Cartwright, Bible Records of Camden County.
Marvin Lee Dozier.
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson, "Electronic."
Mary Anne Dozier Frost.
Mary Doxey Doxey.
Mary Love Fulford Dozier.
Maryanne Edge, "Electronic."
Matthew Jones, "Forgotten Officers," Virginian- Pilot, May 16, 2005.
Megan Rose, "Electronic."
"Melinda Jones Lukei."
Melinda Lukei, "Information from Bernice Dozier of Elizabeth City, NC."
Melinda Lukei, "Notes from Evelyn Harris."
Melinda Lukei, "Notes of Margaret Moore's Bible."
Melinda Lukei, "NC Bible Records of S. C. Ferebee."
Melinda Lukei, Work Papers for the Beasley Family.
Melinda Lukei, "Notes from Alice Quinn's Notebook."
Melinda Lukei, "Note from Abiatha Willis."
Melinda Lukei, "Dr. Herbert L. Dozier."
Melinda Lukei, "Will of Joseph D. Boushall."
Melinda Lukei, "Will of Arnold Lankford Dozier."
"Men in Service," The Virginia-Carolina News, South Norfolk, VA about 3/1961.
Meredith A. Doxey, "Electronic."
Michael Phelps, Michael Phelps, "Electronic."
Mindee, "Electronic."
Minister's Return for Marriage of Charles Brennaman and Lavinia Patchin..
Minister's Return for Marriage of Isaac Patchin and Lavinia Stafford Brown.
Misc Virginia Cemeteries, "Electronic."
Musselwhite Papers.
Muster Roll of Haywood Doxey.
Nancy White.
National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 1-85, 1600s-1900s, Vol. 51.
National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution.
Newslibrary, "Electronic."
Newspaper Photo: Simmons 50th Anniversary.
Norfolk County Historical Society of Chesapeake, Virginia, Tombstone Inscriptions of Norfolk County, Virginia, (1979, Norfolk County Historical Society).
Norfolk County Will Book II, 1772-1788.
Norfolk-Virginian Pilot, "1888 Norfolk City Directory," March 23, 1950.
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North Carolina Census, 1790-1890, "Electronic."
North Carolina Death Collection, 1908-2004, "Electronic."
North Carolina Deaths, 1976-77, "Electronic."
North Carolina Deaths, 1983-87, "Electronic."
North Carolina Deaths, 1988-92, "Electronic."
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North Carolina Marriage Collection 1741-2000, "Electronic."
North Carolina Marriage Collection 1741-2004, "Electronic."
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North Carolina Marriages to 1825, "Electronic."
North Carolina Marriages, 1827-1900, "Electronic."
North Carolina Troops 1861-65, A Roster, (1993).
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O.N. Funk, Senior Keeper, Forest Lawn, Letter of Forest Lawn to Mrs. Haskins, (June 14, 1978).
Oak Grove Baptist Church Cemetery.
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"Oak Grove Baptist Church Mother's Day Bulletin," May 10, 1959.
"Obituary of Agnes L. Ownley."
"Obituary of Albert Leonard Bonney."
Obituary of Alexander Leighman Simmons, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Alice Beasley Jones."
"Obituary of Audry D. Talbott."
Obituary of Azel Mansfield Carpenter, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Bernard T. Cartwright."
Obituary of Bessie L. Davenport, "Electronic."
Obituary of Carl Columbus "C.C." Doxey, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Catherine Cartwright."
"Obituary of Celia Cartwright Beamer."
Obituary of Chloe Doxey Payne, "Electronic."
Obituary of Clinton Clyde Cartwright.
"Obituary of Edna A. Russo."
Obituary of Eleanor Lee Doxey, "Electronic."
Obituary of Ernest Columbus Doxey.
Obituary of Ernest Fleetwood Cartwright, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Ethel Doxey Miller."
"Obituary of Gaius T. Cartwright," Virginian-Pilot, May 10, 1961.
"Obituary of Garland E. Waterfield."
Obituary of Harry Lee Brown.
"Obituary of Henry Rosker Sawyer."
Obituary of Hilery Thomas Whitehurst Jr..
"Obituary of James E. Cartwright."
Obituary of James M. Sorey, (Virginian- Pilot, March, 2008), "Electronic."
Obituary of Janice E. Smith-Brinkley, "Electronic."
Obituary of Jean Elizabeth Doxey, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Jerome Doxey Jr.."
"Obituary of Laura E. Sawyer."
Obituary of Linwood Fulcher, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Louie Hughes Doxey."
"Obituary of Lucy Dozier Miller."
"Obituary of Luther L. Whitehurst."
Obituary of Martha Berry Midgett, "Electronic."
Obituary of Mary Ann Frost.
Obituary of Mary Anne Frost, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Mary Elizabeth Cartwright."
"Obituary of Mary Jane Gallop Doxey."
"Obituary of Mary R. Dozier."
Obituary of Mildred Furlough, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Mildred Guynn Stevenson."
"Obituary of Milton Mansfield."
"Obituary of Milton Mansifeld."
Obituary of Morris Joseph Shipp.
"Obituary of Mrs. Bertha White," 4/30/1968.
"Obituary of Mrs. Ella Whitehurst."
"Obituary of Mrs. Florence Munden."
"Obituary of Mrs. L. W. Whitehurst."
"Obituary of Mrs. Lizzie Morris."
"Obituary of Nancy Burnham Cartwright."
"Obituary of Norman O. Dozier," Virginian-Pilot, January 2003.
"Obituary of Obie Thomas Cartwright."
"Obituary of Ollis E. Mansfield."
"Obituary of Olympia S. Dozier."
"Obituary of Pearl Armenta Munden."
"Obituary of Peter A. Tatem."
"Obituary of Raymond Linwood Fulford."
Obituary of Robert Lee Sawyer, "Electronic."
"Obituary of Roy Edward Hayes."
Obituary of Ruth Simpson Sorey, "Electronic."
Obituary of Selma F. Tolle.
Obituary of Seth Leroy Creekmore.
"Obituary of Seth Leroy Creekmore (Jr.)."
"Obituary of Tully W. Dozier."
Obituary of Virginia Sorey.
Obituary of Walter Edward Brown Jr., "Electronic."
"Obituary of William Arthur Doxey."
Obituary of William Haywood Doxey, "Electronic."
Obituary of William Hillary Creekmore.
Obituary of Zora Waterfield Doxey.
Pat Norris, "Electronic."
Patrick Murphy, Murphy, Hill, Nelson, Trent and Allied Families, "Electronic."
Paula Dozier Quiros.
Pension Application of Parthenia Rebecca Wright.
Pension Claim for Charles P. Brennaman by Lavinia Brennaman.
Pension Claim for Isaac W. Patchen by Lavinia Brennamen.
Pension Record of Isaac W. Patchin.
Pensioner Dropped Record for Lavinia Brennaman.
Personal Knowledge.
Petition by Martin Sorey dated Feb.6, 1856; Princess Anne Co., VA.
Petition for Division of Property, dated June 19, 1896, Currituck Co., NC, "Electronic."
Princess Anne County, Virginia Births, 1881-96, "Electronic."
Princess Anne Marriages.
Randy Jones, The Ferebee Family, "Electronic."
Randy Jones, Jones Family of Prince George Co., VA, "Electronic."
Record of Estates, Halifax Co., NC.
Register of Deaths for Catherine Brennaman.
Richard Dozier's will.
Riverside Cemetery.
Robert Tudor, "Electronic."
Robin D. Davenport.
Rockport Pilot Newspaper, "Obituary of James C. Cruser," Rockport, TX.
Roger G. Ward, 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners Princess Anne County, (New Papyrus Co., Inc., Athens GA.).
Roger W. Howland, Descendants of William Hinton, (Oakland, CA).
Ronald (Ron) Leigh Doxey, The Doxey Files, "Electronic."
Ronald Lee Smith, "Electronic."
Sally Moore Koestler, Sally's Family Place, (College Station, TX), "Electronic."
Sanderlin Family Album, "Electronic."
Shannon Coulter, Gammon, Garrett, Sorey, Powers, Stewart, "Electronic."
Sharon Fox, Arcell Campbell Sawyer, Malachi Sawyer, S. Mills, NC, "Electronic."
Sherman Watkins, Watkins/Taggart Ancestry, "Electronic."
Shirley Hanes Warren, "Electronic."
Social Security Death Index, "Electronic."
Stephen Leonard Jones, "Electronic."
Stonewall Camp No. 380, SCV, History of Norfolk County Virginia 1861-65, (Edward Brothers Inc. Portsmouth, VA, May 1996).
Suzy Lamb, "Electronic."
Sylvia Hughes Cutrell Cliver.
Tennessee Marriages to 1825, "Electronic."
The Albemarle Genealogical Society, Inc., Heritage of Currituck Co., NC, (1985, Hunter Publishing Company).
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), (Copyright (c) 1980, 2000, data as of January 2000), "Electronic."
The Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, 1750-1930.
The French Refugees.
The Heritage of Currituck County North Carolina 1985.
The History of Lower Tidewater Virginia, Vol. III.
The Journal of Currituck County Historical Society, Vol. 1, No. 3.
The Laban and Bessie Shirley Family Genealogy Cookbook.
"The Pungonian," Creeds High School newspaper, April 1925.
Thomas Cadar Dozier, Jr., "Electronic."
"Tidewater Boys Now Facing the Enemy Overseas," Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch, July 30, 1918.
Tombstone of Edmond D. Sanderlin, "Electronic."
Tombstone of Eliza J. Cartwright, "Electronic."
Tombstone of George W. & Alice A. Dozier, "Electronic."
Tombstone of H. W. Beasley.
Tombstone of Josephine Saunders, wife of William Doxey, "Electronic."
Tombstone of Lloyd Doxey, "Electronic."
Tombstone of Roger Walter Doxey.
Tombstone of W. McCoy Spruill.
Tombstone of William Doxey, "Electronic."
Tombstone of William Edward Doxey Sr..
Tonya, "Electronic."
Tully Dozier's will.
U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865.
U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1880, "Electronic."
U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885.
U.S. Veterans Cemeteries, ca.1800-2004, "Electronic."
United Daughters of the Confederacy.
US Marine Corps Muster Rolls 1798-1940, "Electronic."
US Navy Discharge Certificate for Charles Brennaman.
US Navy Record of Charles Brennaman.
USGenWeb Archives, Norfolk VA, "Electronic."
v12132 Sanderlin Tree, "Electronic."
v175156.FTW, "Electronic."
v23t3112.ftw, "Electronic."
v30t0579OpalDozier.FTW, "Electronic."
Verna Hensen, "Electronic."
Vickey Lynn Smith, "Electronic."
Vickie Cartwright, "Electronic."
Vincent W. Mercer, Jr., Pasquotank County, North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1866, (Family Research Society of Northeaster North Carolina, January 2000).
Virginia Antiquary, Volumn 1.
Virginia Enzor, "Electronic."
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Virginia Marriages 1740-1850, "Electronic."
Virginia Marriages, 1740-1850, "Electronic."
Virginia Marriages, 1785-1940, "Electronic."
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Virginia State Archives, Confederate Records, Vol. 1, pg. 135.
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Virginian Pilot, "Obituary of Rory Owen Brown," April 22, 2004.
Virginian Pilot Newspaper, "Obituary of Pheirba Sorey."
Virginian Pilot Newspaper, "Obituary of Wilbur Red Dozier."
Virginian Pilot Newspaper, "Obituary of William C. Doxey," Sept. 11, 2009.
Walter Doughtie.
War Dept Letter, (June 22, 1946).
War History Commission, Military Service Record, State of Virginia.
Wedding announcement for Hays & Wiberg.
Wedding invitation for Doxie/Miles.
Wedding Invitation of Christopher Richardson and Jessica Garrett.
Weynette Parks Haun, Old Albemarle County North Carolina, Pasquotank Precinct--County Births, Marriages, Deaths, Brands and Flesh Marks & County Claims 1691-1833, (243 Argonne Drive, Durham NC 1981).
Will Book 1, pg. 133, Currituck Co., Courthouse, NC.
Will Book 1, pg. 166, Currituck Co., NC, Deed of gift dated Oct. 4, 1763.
Will dated 1801.
Will dated Aug. 9, 1781, probated Nov. 30, 1782, Will Book 1, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated Feb. 1822, probated July 7, 1825, Will Book 3, pg. 186, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated Jan. 16, 1922, probated Mar. 1, 1922, Will Book 6, pg 440, Princess Anne Co, VA.
Will dated Jan. 19, 1885, probated April 20, 1885, Will Book 5, pg. 147, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated July 18, 1778, probated Sept. 24, 1788, Deed Book 1, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated July 7, 1835, probated Nov. 1835, Will Book 4, pg. 12, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated June 26, 1839, probated April 4, 1840, Will Book 1 pg.64, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated Mar. 28, 1922, Will Book 8, pg. 327, Princess Anne Co, VA.
Will dated Nov. 30, 1771, probated Nov. 9, 1778, Will Book 1, Currituck NC.
Will dated Nov. 30, 1776, probated April 1782, Nash Co., NC, pg. 123.
Will dated Oct. 19, 1805, probated Jan. 6, 1806.
Will dated Sept. 15, 1815, probated Feb. 1816, Will Book 3, pg. 169, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will dated Sept. 30, 1746, probated April 7, 1747, Currituck Co., NC.
Will dated Sept. 30, 1806, probated Jan. 27, 1807, Will Book 1, pg. 209, Marion, SC.
Will of Aaron Flora, dated Mar. 13, 1811. c1815, Will Book 3.
Will of Abiah Dough dated Dec. 14, 1845, probated Feb. 1846, Will Book 4, pg. 77, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Abraham Cartwright, dated April 31, 1763, Proved Oct. 21, 1763, Will Book HIK, pg. 254-255, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Aby Doxey, dated Dec. 1834, proved Feb. 1835, Will Book 4, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Adam Lovett, dated Feb. 22, 1759, probated April 167, 1759, Will Book 8, pg. 354, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Agnes Trueblood, dated Sept. 15, 1692, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Ahaz Cartwright, dated June 18, 1796, proved Nov. 12, 1796, Will Book L, pg. 76-78, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Amos Trueblood, probated July 14, 1759, Will Book HIK, pg. 176, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Andrew Sorey, dated Mar. 24, 1777, proved April. 10, 1783, Deed Book 18, pg. 172, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Ann Darnell, dated June 17, 1720, proved July 20, 1720/21, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Ann Shipp Cartwright, dated Oct. 23, 1730, probated Dec. 3, 1730, Deed Book 4, pg. 311, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Arthur Pritchard, dated Nov. 2, 1850, Will Book N, pg. 237, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Asa Cartwright, dated Sept. 5, 1823, proved, Nov. 1823, Will Book C, pg. 23, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Ashbury Sutton, dated Oct. 3, 1822, Will Book M, pg 357, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Augustine Wright, dated May 27, 1741/42, proved April 1742, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Benjamin Bell, dated Aug. 20, 1764, Will Book HIK, pg. 37, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Benjamin Cartwright, verbal statement given Mar. 4, 1801, recorded May 26, 1801, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Benjamin Dauge, dated Oct. 11, 1787, probated July 15, 1788, Will Book 1, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Benjamin Palmer.
Will of Brickhouse Bell, dated 1822, proved 1822, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Caleb Cartwright, dated Aug. 3, 1796, proved 1797, Will Book L, pg. 103-106, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Catherine Gaskens, dated Aug. 25, 1755, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Charles Bradley, dated Dec. 6, 1809, proved May 28, 1810, Currituck Co., NC, WB 2, pg. 357, "Electronic."
Will of Charles Brite, dated 1847, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Charles Halstead, probated Sept. 20, 1841; Will Book 6, pg. 128, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Charles Sawyer, dated Oct. 21, 1751, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Charles W. Blount, dated Feb. 21, 1850, Will Book N, pg. 240, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Charles Wright, dated Jan. 17, 1772, Will Book M, pg. 379, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Chloe Cartwright, dated Mar. 16, 1852, proved Sept. 1857, Will Book D, pg.37, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Christopher Cartwright, dated March 13, 1760, proved March 11, 1762, Will Book HIK, , p179-181, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Cornelius Henly, dated Mar. 10, 1800, probated May 5, 1800, Princess Anne Co, VA.
Will of Daniel Cartwright, dated Aug. 25, 1819, probated May 1822, Will Book C, pg. 2, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Darius Cartwright, dated April 2, 1793, Will Book L, pg. 1-2, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of David Cartwright, dated Jan. 19, 1814, proved Feb. 15, 1814.
Will of Davis Cartwright, dated March, 1861, probated Feb. 22, 1866, Will Book M, pg 90-91, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Deborah Cartwright, dated Sept. 14, 1835, proved Feb. 1835, Will Book C, pg 178-179, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Dempsey Doxey, dated Aug. 8, 1837, proved Nov. 1840, Will Book 4, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Dory Dauge, dated June 26, 1831, probated Aug. 1831, Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Drew Halstead, dated Feb. 25, 1771, probated Dec. 1771, Will Book 1, pg. 214, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Drew Halstead, dated Jan. 22, 1783; Will Book HIK, pg. 518, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Edmond Mansfield, dated Jan. 14, 1867, proved Mar. 4, 1867, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Edward C. Blount, dated May 27, 1847, Will Book N, pg. 220, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Edward Hack Moseley, dated May 24, 1782, proved Apr. 10, 1783, Deed Book 18, pg. 186, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Elias Dozier, dated Nov. 12, 1827, probabed Nov. 1829, Will Book 3, pg. 232, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Elizabeth Halstead, dated Apr. 18, 1836, Will Book N, pg. 134, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Elizabeth Halstead, dated April 18, 1836; Will Book N, pg. 134, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Elizabeth Mathias, dated Jan. 24, 1832, proved May 1832; Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Elizabeth Mathias, dated July 11, 1769, probated Oct. 19, 1769, Will Book 1, pg. 192, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Emily Cartwright, dated Sept. 13, 1915, proved Jan. 24, 1916, Will Book E, pg. 515-517, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Enoch Sanderlin, dated Apr. 12, 1840, porved May 1840, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Ephraim Bright, Will Book O, pg. 64.
Will of Ephraim Brite, dated Aug. 2, 1836, Will Book N, pg. 130, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Francis Sorey, dated Apr. 1, 1747, proved Mar. 20, 1753, Deed Book 7, pg. 433, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Gideon Cartwright, dated Mar. 12, 1836, proved July, 1837, Will Book C, pg. 202, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Goab Doudge, dated Sept. 3, 1795, probated July 1, 1799, Will Book 2, pg. 122, Princess Anne Co, VA.
Will of Griffith Gray, dated Dec. 22, 1755, Will Book HIK, pg 45, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Haywood S. Bell, dated 1845, Will Book C, pg. 239, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Henry Halstead, dated Oct. 15, 1794, proved July 20, 1795; Will Book 3, pg. 56, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Henry Keaton, dated June 2, 1806, Will Book M, pg. 126, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Henry Sawyer, dated June 24, 1728, probated Aug. 3, 1729, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Hezekiah Cartwright, dated April 10, 1792, Will Book L, pg. 6-10, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Ira McPherson, dated 1833, probated 1895.
Will of Isaac Cartwright, dated Aug. 13, 1774, proved May, 1777, Will Book HIK, pg.151-153, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Isaac Cartwright, dated Oct. 21, 1825, Will Book N, pg. 24, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Isaac E. Cartwright, dated July 11, 1854, proved Dec. 1854, Will Book D, pg. 6, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Isaac N. Baxter, dated July 25, 1855, proved Dec. 3, 1855, Will Book 4, pg. 376, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Jacob Cartwright, dated Sept. 22, 1828, proved Nov. 10, 1828.
Will of Jacob Dudley, dated Sept. 15, 1832, proved Dec. 3 , 1833, Will Book 4, pg. 157, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of James Cartwright Sr., dated April 10, 1821, Will Book N, pg. 3-10, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of James Cartwright, dated 1827, Will Book N, pg 42, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of James Cartwright, dated Apr. 1, 1839, Will Book N, pg. 174, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of James Dauge Jr. dated April 12, 1713, Deed Book 3, pg. 121, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of James Douge dated Jan. 19, 1810, probated 1812, Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of James Green, dated Jan. 28, 1812, Will Book 3, pg. 12, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of James Jackson, proved April 4, 1816, Will Book M, pg. 303, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Jehu Cartwright, dated Sept. 15, 1810, proved Mar. 1813, Will Book M, pg. 250-251, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Jeremiah Murden, dated Aug. 3, 1745, proved Nov. 20, 1750, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Jeremiah Sawyer, Dated Oct. 10, 1755, Proved June, 1756, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Jesse Brite, dated Aug.20, 1814, Will Book M, pg. 405, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Jesse Cartwright, date Feb. 3, 1841, Will Book N, pg. 189, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Joab Dozier, dated Jan. 15, 1844, Probated Sept. 5, 1844, Will Book 4, pg. 106, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Job Cartwright, dated Dec. 30, 1776, proved May 5, 1777, Will Book HIK, p. 153-155, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Anthony Fentress, dated Sept. 28, 1928, probated, Jan. 22, 1934, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Avery, dated Oct. 27, 1840, Hyde Co., NC.
Will of John Bradly, dated Feb. 2, 1728, proved June 27, 1789; Currituck Co., NC, WB 1, pg. 241, "Electronic."
Will of John Bright, dated 1780, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated 1778, Will Book K, pg. 13, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated 1780, Will Book B, pg. 54, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated 1790, Will Book K, pg. 203, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated April 23, 1714, Pasquotank, NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated Dec. 1, 1784, Will Book K, pg. 61, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated Dec. 1832, proved 1835, Will Book N, pg. 111, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated Mar. 25, 1778, proved Aug. 1778, Will Book HIK, pg.417-420, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated Nov. 10, 1804, proved Dec. 1804, Will Book M, pg. 103-104, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Cartwright, dated Sept. 27, 1843, Will Book N, pg. 195, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Dauge, dated April 15, 1734, probated May 1, 1734, Deed Book 4, pg. 500 Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Doxey, dated May 15, 1820, proved Feb. 1824, Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of John Dudley, dated April 8, 1753, probated April 17, 1753, Deed Book 7, pg. 455, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Flora, dated Dec. 28, 1826, probated Feb. 1827 Will Book 3.
Will of John Fountain, dated Nov. 24, 1852, probated Mar. 7, 1853, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Fulford, dated Oct. 29, 1791, proved Sept. 16, 1799, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of John Garrison, dated Oct. 31, 1820, probated June 2, 1823, Will Book 3, pg. 364, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Halstead, dated April 19, 1783, proved May 20, 1784; Will Book 2, pg. 193, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of John Halstead, dated Jan. 1791, probated 1803; Will Book K, pg. 71, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Hunter Cartwright Sr., dated Feb. 28, 1753, probated April 17, 1753, Deed Book 7, pg.439, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John McBride, dated Nov. 20, 1763, Probated Oct 1766, Will Book HIK, pg. 282, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Richardson, dated Mar. 4, 1761, Will Book HIK, pg. 7, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of John Sawyer, dated 1762,.
Will of John SImpson, dated Oct. 27, 1804, probated Dec. 22, 1804; Will Book 2, pg. 257, Currituck Co., NC, "Electronic."
Will of John Turner, dated April 6, 1750, proved May 15, 1750, Deed Book 7, p. 168, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Whitehurst, dated Apr. 30, 1785, probated June 9, 1785, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of John Whitehurst, dated Dec. 11, 1815, probated Feb. 5, 1816, Will Book 3, pg. 171.
Will of Joseph Cartwright, dated May 29, 1834, proved Nov. 1837, Will Book C, pg. 224, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Joseph Dozier, dated Aug. 20, 1833, proved May 1837, Will Book C, pg. 205, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Joseph Keaton Sr. dated Sept. 1784, Will Book HIK, pg. 550, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Joseph Keaton, dated Aug. 10, 1822, probated May, 1824.
Will of Joseph Morgan, dated Feb. 5, 1776, proved Mar. 1777, Will Book HIK, pg. 140, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Joseph Pendleton, dated Mar. 15, 1788, Will Book K, pg. 73, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Joseph Sanderlin, dated 1818, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Joshua Baxter, dated 1786, Book B, NC.
Will of Josiah Richardson, dated Oct. 16, 1773, Will Book HIK, pg. 87, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Kedar Sorey, dated Oct. 27, 1823, probated Nov. 3, 1823, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Labron Richardson, dated May 6, 1770, Will Book HIK, pg. 427, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Lancaster Lovett Sr., dated Jan. 21, 1751, probated Feb. 18, 1752, Deed Book 7, pg. 303, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Lancaster Lovett, dated Oct. 25, 1700, Deed Book 1, pg. 360, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Lemuel Pritchard, dated Oct. 9, 1843, Will Book n, pg. 235, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Levey Fulford, dated July 14, 1785, proved June 15, 1786, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Linner Bray, dated April 13, 1815, proved c1815; Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Lodwick Williams, dated Nov. 28, 1770, Will Book M, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Luke Lamb, dated Dec. 28, 1820, proved 1822, Will Book C, pg. 6-7, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Malachi Beasley, dated Oct. 27, 1840, proved Feb. 1841, Will Book 4, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Malachi Sawyer, dated Aug. 1839, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Malachi Wilson, dated July 12, 1785, proved Oct. 18, 1787.
Will of Margaret Doudge Dozier dated April 8, 1922, Probated Jan. 10, 1924, Will Book 7, pg. 13, Princess Anne Co, VA.
Will of Martha Cartwright, dated Mar. 17, 1747/48, proved April 1748, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Martin L Cartwright, dated Jan. 12, 1889, Will Book E, pg. 293-294, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Mary Clark, dated Sept. 14, 1848, Will Book N, pg. 225, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Mary Hinton, dated Dec. 9, 1832, Will Book N, pg. 142, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Mary Keeling Cartwright, dated Mar. 16, 1762, Deed Book 9, pg.50, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Mary Lovett, dated Dec. 1, 1705, probated May 1, 1706, Deed Book 1, pg. 467, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Mary Richardson, dated Feb. 11, 1822, Will Book M, pg. 354, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Mary Sanderlin, dated Aug. 1762, proved Jan. 1765,Will Book HIK, pg. 40, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Mathias Halstead, dated Feb. 18, 1818, proved Jan. 21, 1828; Will Book 5, pg. 209, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Matthew Halstead, proved June 18, 1827; Will Book 5, pg. 194, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Matthias Cartwright, dated Sept. 12, 1806, proved June 11, 1807, Will Book M, pg. 151, 152, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Maximillian Sanderlin, dated Sept. 2, 1780, Will Book HIK, pg. 475, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Miles Morgan, dated Aug. 31, 1835, Will Book C, pg. 203, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Millicent Halstead, dated Nov. 16, 1801, Will Book M, pg. 85, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Mordecai Morris, dated Feb. 25, 1830, Will Book N, pg. 69, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Mordica Beasley, dated May 31, 1852, probated Oct. 4, 1852, Will Book 4, pg. 354, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Nancy Bray, dated June 7, 1808, proved c1810; Will Book 2, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Nathaniel Halstead, dated Jan. 12, 1811, probated Aug. 19, 1811; Will Book 4, pg. 165, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Noah Brock, dated Oct. 5, 1844, proved Feb. 1, 1847, Will Book 4, pg. 316.
Will of Owen Reese, dated April 7, 1745, proved July 1745, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Pembroke Cartwright, dated Aug. 13, 1818 (codicil: Nov. 16, 1818), proved June 16, 1826.
Will of Penelope Bell, dated 1867, Will Book 4, pg. 267, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Peter Cartwright, dated July 28, 1781, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Peter Doudge dated Aug. 7, 1824, probated Aug. 1824, Will Book 3, pg. 176, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Peter Dozier, dated Jan. 27, 1858, probated Feb. 7, 1858, Will Book 4, pg. 222, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Peter Parker, dated June 12, 1824, proved Nov. 1826, Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Peter Sorey, dated April 12, 1784, proved Aug. 12, 1784, Will Book 1, pg. 26, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Polly Cartwright, dated April 6, 1838, proved Feb. 1839, Will Book C, pg. 245, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Rebecca Cartwright, dated Mar. 25, 1840, Will Book N, pg. 155, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Richard Bonney, dated Jan. 21, 1706, Deed Book 2, pg. 14, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Richard Bradley, dated April 13,1756, proved June 1756, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Richard Doudge Sr., dated Mar. 31, 1802, probated Sept. 5, 1803, Will Book 2 pg. 225, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Robert Bailey, Dated Feb. 14, 1831, Will Book N, pg. 62, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Robert Cartwright Jr., dated 1699.
Will of Robert Cartwright Sr., dated 1676.
Will of Robert Cartwright, dated April 15, 1746, proved July, 1746, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Robert Cartwright, dated Oct. 15, 1719, probated Jan. 6, 1719, Deed book 3, pg. 296, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Robert Cartwright, dated Oct. 24, 1809, proved Feb. 19, 1810, Davidson Co., TN.
Will of Robert Huggins, dated Aug. 21, 1753, probated April 16, 1754, Deed Book 7, pg. 587, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Rueben P. Cartwright, dated May 25, 1832, proved July 2, 1832, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Samuel Halstead, dated Dec. 27, 1831, Will Book N, pg. 77, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Samuel Halstead, dated May 3, 1785, proved Dec. 1785; Will Book 2, pg. 237, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Samuel Jackson, dated Dec. 3, 1748, proved June 13, 1849, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Samuel Reding, dated 1762, registered March 13, 1762, Will Book HIK, pg 13-14, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Samuel Williamson, dated Sept. 6, 1824, proved Nov. 4, 1828, Will Book 4, pg. 124, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Sarah Reding, dated Oct. 1, 1775, Will Book HIK, pg. 144, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Simon Halstead, dated Nov. 1800, proved Feb. 16, 1801; Will Book 3, pg. 239, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Simon Mathias, dated March 20, 1815, proved June 1815; Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Smith Halstead, dated Sept. 15, 1808, probated May 18, 1812; Will Book 4, pg. 166, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Southward Cartwright, dated Oct. 13, 1813, proved July 1, 1816, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Stephen Richardson, dated Feb. 4, 1802, Will Book M, pg. 57, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Stephen Richardson, dated Feb. 7, 1722, probated July 16, 1723, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Sylvanus Clark, dated July 31, 1833, Will Book N, pg. 135, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas B. Gresham, dated Dec. 23, 1852, probated Mar. 7, 1853, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Thomas C. Cartwright Jr., dated March 4, 1706, proved April 15, 1707, Pasquotank, NC.
Will of Thomas Cartwright, dated Dec. 17, 1761, proved 1762, Will Book HIK, pg. 11-13, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas Cartwright, dated May 4, 1805, proved June 1805, Will Book M, pg. 114, 115, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas Etheridge Sr. dated 1839, Camden Co., NC.
Will of Thomas Halstead Jr., dated Aug. 30, 1771, proved Aug. 1771, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Thomas Halstead, dated June 20, 1775, probabed Aug. 1775, Will Book 2, pg. 68, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Thomas Halstead, probated May 16, 1836; Will Book 6, pg. 2, Norfolk Co., VA.
Will of Thomas Pendleton, dated Feb. 21, 1732, proved Apr. 1732, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas Pritchard, date July 22, 1772, Will Book HIK, pg 181, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas Pritchard, dated May 17, 1804, Will Book M, pg. 97, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas Smithson, dated Nov. 2, 1743, proved Jan. 1743/44, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas T. Cartwright, dated Jan. 12, 1729/30, Registered April 8, 1730, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Thomas T. Cartwright, dated Mar. 13, 1761, Will Book HIK, pg. 11-13, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Trimigan Reding, dated Mar. 31, 1778, Will Book, HIK, pg. 451, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of Tull Douge, dated May 18, 1746, probated July 1, 1746, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Tully Bell, dated 1843, Will Book 4, pg. 101, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Tully Robinson Smyth, dated May 3, 1753, proved July 17, 1753, Deed Book 7, pg. 490, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Tully Sawyer, dated 1787, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of William Cartwright Jr., dated Feb. 2, 1731, probated Feb. 16, 1731, Chowan or Pasquotank, NC.
Will of William Cartwright, dated Apr. 18, 1831, Will Book N, pg. 66, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of William Cartwright, dated Jan. 15, 1733, probated April 19, 1734.
Will of William Cartwright, dated May 20, 1753, probated June 19, 1753, Deed Book 7, pg. 474, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of William Cartwright, dated Oct. 15, 1805, proved Mar. 1806, Will Book M, pg. 117, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of William Doxey, dated Sept. 4, 1830, proved Feb. 1834, Will Book 3, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of William Flory, dated May 27, 1811, probated 1812, Will Book 3.
Will of William Gornto, dated Feb. 17, 1833, probated Dec. 3, 1833, Will Book 4, pg. 155, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of William S. Hinton, dated June 20, 1826, Will Book N, pg 40, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of William Scott, dated Jan. 15, 1832, Will Book N, pg. 80, Pasquotank Co., NC.
Will of William Sorey, dated Oct. 23, 1784, probated Nov. 11, 1784, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of William Sorey, Sr., dated Sept. 26, 1811, probated Mar. 2, 1812, Princess Anne Co., VA.
Will of Willoughby Dauge, dated Nov. 24, 1804, probated Dec. 22, 1804, Will Book 2, pg. 248, Currituck Co., Courthouse, NC.
Will of Willoughby Dozier, dated Aug. 28, 1818, Will Book 3.
Will of Zachariah Doxey, no date, proved Jan. 6, 1906, Currituck Co., NC.
Will of Zachariah Simpson, dated June 20, 1860, probated Aug. 1860, Will Book 4, pg. 239, Currituck Co., NC.
Will probated April 14, 1815 (no date on will)..
Will probated June 29, 1898, Will Book 5, pg. 291, Princess Anne Co., VA.
"William & Mary Quarterly."
William Doub Bennett, Currituck County, North Carolina Eighteenth Century Tax & Militia Records, (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1993).
William Everett Beasley, "Electronic."
William Temple, "Electronic."
Wills dated 1783 & 1790.
Wilma Spence & Edna Shannanhouse, North Carolina Bible Records.
Wilson Family Bible, "Electronic."
World Family Tree 175156, "Electronic."
World Family Tree 5284, "Electronic."
World War I Draft Registration Card for Adam McClair Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Albert Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Bailey Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Bill Doxie.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Cader Willoughby Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Charles Percy Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Clarence Marion Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Claud Lee Beasley.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Daniel Webster Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Earley Stonewall Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Edward Lattimore Doxey.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Edwin Fulford Cox.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Elton Edwin Stewart.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Ernest Linwood Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Frank Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for George Walter Cartwright Sr..
World War I Draft Registration Card for George Washington Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for George Wilbur Dozire.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Harvey Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Haywood D. Doxey Jr..
World War I Draft Registration Card for Hillery Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for James Bradley Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for James Taylor Hughes.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Jeremiah M. Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Jesse Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Jesse Leon Doxey.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Joel Herbert Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for John Henry Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for John Lawrence Frost.
World War I Draft Registration Card for John Nelson Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for John Sanders Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Joseph H. Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Joseph Holoman Lane.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Lectious Theodore Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Lemuel Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Lowry Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Martin Lee Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Milton Mansfield.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Olion Emerson Frost.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Oscar Lee Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Patrick Gordon Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Percy Cader Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Phillip Clarence Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Raymond Linwood Fulford.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Robert Lee Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Saint Clair Doxey.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Sanburn Leary Pritchard.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Slidel Mercer Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Soloman Walter Stewart.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Sydney H. Simmons.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Tully Lonnie Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Wallace G. Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for William Henry Doxey.
World War I Draft Registration Card for William Henry Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for William Matthew Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for William Thomas Sears.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Willie Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Willie Otma Dozier.
World War I Draft Registration Card for Willis Williamson Cartwright.
World War I Draft Registration of Phillip Dozier Cotter.
World War II Registration Card for Joseph Henry Dozier.
World War II Registration Card for William Thomas Sears.
Wrenn Redford Herman, "Electronic."
Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 6, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Jul 9, 2002, Internal Ref. #
Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 6, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Apr 11, 2002, Internal Ref. #
Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 6, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Apr 11, 2002, Internal Ref. #